Certifying Geant4-based calorimeter simulations for the LCD Dhiman Chakraborty, Guilherme Lima, Jeremy McCormick, Vishnu Zutshi NICADD, NIU ALCWG-Cal Meeting November 24, 2003
Nov. 24, G.Lima2 Previous LCD studies based on Gismo Geant4-based LCD simulations are rather new, they need to be certified (then Gismo should be dropped) (LCD)Mokka and LCDG4 were developed independently. Both are based on Geant4, so they should provide compatible results XML-based geometry representation, like in Gismo Why comparing Mokka and LCDG4?
Nov. 24, G.Lima3 Fair comparison Geant4 version 5.2 SDJan03 geometry (cylindrical layers with virtual cells) Physics list from Mokka Range cut of 0.1mm Text output implemented into projective LCDG4 Same events are processed in both detector simulators (single particles: 50 GeV e, μ, π) input from binary stdhep file: θ = 90°, flat in φ Same materials in sub-detectors (look at X 0, λ I )
Nov. 24, G.Lima4 Distributions used for comparisons Energy depositions per layer Energy depositions per cell Number of hits per layer Dependence of Nhits with threshold
Nov. 24, G.Lima5 Ecal: Energies per layer MIP peaks RANGEOUTSRANGEOUTS
Nov. 24, G.Lima6 Hcal: energies per layer Significant Disagreements?
Nov. 24, G.Lima7 Ecal: energies per cell Discrepancies! ECal threshold at 0.04 MeV
Nov. 24, G.Lima8 Hcal: energies per cell Slightly different slopes… HCal threshold at 0.7 MeV
Nov. 24, G.Lima9 Ecal: energies in absorbers LCDG4 only, Mokka does not provide energies in absorbers MIP peaks
Nov. 24, G.Lima10 HCal: energies in absorber MIP peaks LCDG4 only, Mokka does not provide energies in absorbers
Nov. 24, G.Lima11 Cross checking: Ecal+Hcal, cell+abs LCDG4 only
Nov. 24, G.Lima12 Number of hits per layer
Nov. 24, G.Lima13 ECal Nhits x threshold – 50 GeV muons ECal threshold
Nov. 24, G.Lima14 Ecal Nhits x threshold – 50 GeV pions ECal threshold
Nov. 24, G.Lima15 Ecal Nhits x threshold – 50 GeV positrons ECal threshold
Nov. 24, G.Lima16 Nhits on Hcal – Dependence on thresholds HCal threshold
Nov. 24, G.Lima17 Conclusions Energy deposition: very good agreement on both layer and cell distributions Number of hits: Good agreement on shapes, small disagreement on normalization LCDG4 and Mokka give compatible results for the calorimeter simulations of SD detectors MC particles contributing to hits: expect a bug fix quite soon! Requests for event processing are welcome, please visit