Adult Un-insurance Rates by Ethnicity for Selected Groups: BRFSS 2001Caucasian8.5%Hawaiian9.9% Chinese6.9% Filipino6.1% Japanese2.5% Korean8.1% Portuguese6.5% Overall7.3% Source: Weighted Tabulations from the CDC/DOH BRFSS 2001, Question 2.1, University of Hawaii. Preliminary results. Subject to revision. 10 October 2002.
DOH Estimates BRFSS 2000Caucasian8.5%Hawaiian7.8% Filipino7.7% Japanese1.7% Others8.8% Total7.7% Source: Source:
DOH Estimates on Un-insurance Rates: HHS 2000, DOH 2000 UH 2000 Replication DOH 2001 UH 2001 ReplicationCaucasian6.7%6.77%7.2% Hawaiian5.1%5.13%7.5% Chinese3.1%3.11%3.1% Filipino6.6%6.55%4.9% Japanese2.9%2.89%2.3% Overall5.4%5.44%5.5% Sources: University of Hawaii. Weighted Tabulations from the HHS 2000, 2001 using STATA 7.0. Sources: University of Hawaii. Weighted Tabulations from the HHS 2000, 2001 using STATA 7.0.
Hawaii Un-insurance Rates by Ethnicity: CPS WhiteBlack Native American/ Alaskan Asian & Pacific Islander % %440.00%19.40% % % %48.09% % %368.99%107.24% % %378.52% % % %266.62% % % % %99.23% % %820.00%169.93%2280 Note: Sample sizes adjacent to un-insurance rates. Source: Current Population Survey, March Supplements, Public Use Files. Weighted tabulations. University of Hawaii. Preliminary Results. Subject to revision. Note: Sample sizes adjacent to un-insurance rates. Source: Current Population Survey, March Supplements, Public Use Files. Weighted tabulations. University of Hawaii. Preliminary Results. Subject to revision.