No 10 5 th March 2010 Dear Parents/ Carers It seem the weather has brightened up and made us all feel cheerful. The end of term is fast approaching and so there are a few dates for your diaries and some information for you. I hope you all received the newsflash about the building work which starts on Monday the 8 th March. Please bear with us during the initial period as I am sure that there will be teething problems. Y6 Cycling Proficiency The pupils taking part in these sessions are doing well however due to the snow we encountered back in January their first two sessions had to be held indoors as it was not safe for them to ride their bikes. In light of this we have managed to secure 2 additional weeks for them to complete their cycling in full, being Friday 5 th and 12 th March. Please ensure that if your child takes part in these sessions they bring their bikes to school with them on these two dates. Sessions will not finish on the 26 th February as previously advised. Thank You IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:- March Friday 12 th – Y6 Cycling Proficiency ‘Final Session’ – Assessment Day Monday 22 nd – Y1 One Body One Life Final Session (Y1 Parents Welcome) Friday 26 th – Y3/4 Final Swimming Session w/c 29 th – No Lunchtime or After School Clubs this week Tuesday 30 th – Final Acorns before Easter April Thursday 1 st – Final Supertots Thursday 1 st – School Finishes for Easter Break Friday 2 nd – School Closed ‘Good Friday’ School Reopens Monday 19 th April w/c 19 th – No Lunchtime or After School Clubs this week Class Assemblies Thursday 11 th MarchY3/4R Thursday 18 th MarchY5/6E
Yours sincerely Mrs N A Starritt Head Teacher Non Uniform Day & Cake Sale – Thursday 11 th February Thank you to all our children and parents who contributed to us raising funds for the MS Therapy Centre by coming to school without their uniform and also for purchasing the cakes in school that all looked extremely scrummy! We raised £101 in total by wearing our own clothes for the day which will be donated to the Charity. A further £18 was made from the sale of cakes which will be going towards school funds from which the children benefit directly. Well Done Daniel, Year 6 Daniel in Year 6 took part in a 4 day camp during Half Term with his Scout Group and obtained his Hike Away Badges. He was very hardy to camp out in the bitter weather we were experiencing. Well Done Daniel! School Uniform Up to now the PTA have looked after uniform sales on behalf of the school with the assistance of the office staff and last year also started the monthly uniform shop. After much discussion it has now been decided that uniform sales will be controlled by the office, effective after the Easter Holiday, w/c 19 th April. If you wish to purchase uniform after Easter please collect a form from the office to take home and complete. Return the completed form along with payment to the office and your order will be delivered direct to your child’s class teacher. With regard to uniforms for new Reception children starting in September, Mrs McGrath will be selling uniforms on the evening of the Reception Induction Meeting later in the term. Thanks to Dee Ward and Theresa Reed for looking after uniforms prior to this change. Movie n Munchies The Children all enjoyed watching Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs at the Movie n Munchie evening last week. The PTA made an amazing £235 from the event which will go towards this year’s Y6 Leavers Event in July. Thank you for your support. Easter Bonnet Parade We are holding our annual Easter Bonnet Parade and decorated egg competition on Thursday 1 st April at 9.30am. All entries for the egg competition need to be in school by Wednesday 31 st March at 10am at the latest. These will be judged at school on this day. Please do not bring any eggs in after the set time as it makes the judging process much harder to organise. Hats will of course be judged on the day and Norah Blagburn has kindly consented to be the judge. As last year they will be made of re-cycled materials please. Years three to six will make theirs at school. Reception and Years one and two will make theirs at home. Some kind parents have volunteered to help the children at school! There is also a competition for parents to enter so those artistic souls among you come and show off your lovely Easter hat. We will be providing hot cross buns and coffee before the parade begins so please come along and join us. Happy Birthday to all our children who celebrate their birthday during March Reception - Imogen, Abbie Year 1 – Amy, Shelby, Isabel Year 2 – Ben D. Year 3/4B – Lewis Year 5/6E – Sommer, Rachel Year 5/6W – Matthew, Jan