Wednesday Session 1: – Intro to the Interface The Tools Tool Bar – How to open – Docking/Undocking the toolbars – Navigating the Map » Zoom (in, out extent) » Pan – The Table of Contents(TOC) Data View/Data Frames » Turning All Layers on/off » Renaming Data Frames » Activating Data Frames Turning/Toggling Layers on/off Renaming Layers Expanding within the TOC » Expanding Features Changing Single Legend Symbol Changing Symbol Text » Expanding/Collapsing All Layers
Intro to the Interface View Frame shows either the active data Frame or the Layout Page The table of contents lists the Data Frames in a map document. It shows all of the layers in a data frame and their status By default, the table of contents is located on the left side of the ArcMap window, but can be float or be docked against any edge Toolbars Group Commands that work together can contain different types of commands menus, buttons, tools, combo boxes, or edit boxes can be float or be docked against any edge
The Tools Tool Bar The Tools toolbar is used for map navigation and query within the active data frame.
How to open Any combination of tool bars can be opened Listed in Alphabetical Order Will appear where last stationed
Docking/Undocking the toolbars You can move toolbars and some dialog boxes to locations around your desktop or dock them within your application to organize a user interface that is most useable by you. If you hold down the Ctrl key, while moving a toolbar or dockable window, you can move it to overlap the ArcMap interface without having it dock to the application.
Navigating the Map
The Table of Contents(TOC) The table of contents manages the Data Frames with in a Map document. Manages Layers with in Data Frames Identifies which Data Frame is being displayed or which data frame is focused in Layout view
Data View/Data Frames Each Data Frame is represented by a stack of map sheets + sign indicates the Data Frame can be expanded - sign indicates the Data Frame can be collapsed
All Layers Turning on/off Expanding All Layers Shared Projects Graphics heavy projects Can review Data frames Layer Expanding all Layers Expands the Layers within the data frames but does not expand the data frames
Renaming Data Frames
Activating Data Frames The active Data Frame is indicated in Bold The active Data Frames Layers are displayed in the View Frame
Renaming Layers Click once to select the layer Pause Click again Type new Name
Changing Single Legend Symbol Click on Symbol
Changing Symbol Text Click once to select the label Pause Click again Type new label Sometimes no label is most appropriate