SMC director interview Rob Harrison, Professor School of Forest Resources University of Washington August 30, 2011
SMC director interview 1)major past contributions to SMC 2)vision for SMC; importance of member input 3)strategies for achieving SMC member goals
SMC director interview 1)major past contributions to SMC
SMC director interview 1)major past contributions to SMC - Analysis and extenion of RFNRP - SMC Type I analysis - participation in national LTSPs - participation in CIPS - SMC Type V
Major past funding to SMC ($2.9 million since 1998) $1.49 million – SMC graduate student support through ESRM100 (total of 183 assistantship quarters since 1998 for SMC grads, at current rates and overhead) $560K ($591K) – NCASI, Fall River, Matlock, Molalla $195K – NSF CAFS 15N isotope study coop with Virginia Tech (Tom Fox), NC State (Jose Stape) and Purdue (Douglass Jacobs) $150K ($190K) - USFS Agenda 2020 supporting LTSPs (half to OSU Steven Schoenholtz) $150K ($190K) - USFS Agenda 2020 supporting SMC Type V and CIPS N studies (half to OSU Doug Maguire) $100K ($126K) – USFS LTSP national database to SMC $54K ($68K) – USFS - Carbon sequestration of RFNRP $135K – Dept. Energy – Carbon sequestration of RFNRP $20K($25K) – Oly. Nat. Res. Cent – Nitrogen in Plantations
2012 likely firm funding to SMC given current circumstances ($598K) $153K – yearly equivalent graduate student estimated funding from ESRM100 currently promised $321K – Rob's share of USDA NARA project (Douglas-fir sustainable productivity) in support of LCA of DF forestry, total of $5.6 million to UW for NARA total, 5 years $40K – NCASI likely support for 2012 (16 th addendum) for LTSPs, rated high in first evaluation (by Eric Vance) $50K – year 3 of Agenda 2020 for Type V (half to CIPS Doug Maguire) $34.5K – buyback of 2.5 months salary + benefits from Rob teaching ESRM100 (summer salary not charged to SMC); regular salary paid as tenure-track professor
2) vision for SMC; importance of member input - source of high-quality data vs. source of high- quality information -what the SMC can do well, what it can't do well, and where collaboration/cooperation works best to meet member goals and where it doesn't -addressing core member needs, specific member needs, and peripheral needs, including not yet identified. -funding
3)strategies for achieving SMC member goals -increasing funding -increasing productivity -collaboration/cooperation/competition - raw data vs. final products for forest management -"license to operate" research and education, what role should SMC play? -International/National collaboration
If members asked me to be Director, here are immediate steps I would take - ask for level playing field with OSU coops: $37,350 spendable from dues annually - reduce my teaching load, increase time to SMC: $90-120K/y available from ESRM100 "profit", $34.5 K/y from salary buyback, also Dave Brigg's summer SMC salary and Corkery chair available. 1) hire Paul Footen part-time to help me teach, 2) hire additional faculty (Ettl?) or staff member or contract out to increase SMC staff and/or field time.
If members asked me to be Director, here are immediate steps I would take: - convene TACs, and have a wide-ranging discussion about goals for SMC -CIPS now much more active and focused on modeling effort; how do we support member's goals there by supporting CIPS? -with Dave retiring, how do we sustain wood quality effort? Is direct salary support of a WQ researcher a priority? -assess current member satisfaction with our direction.
If members asked me to be Director, here are immediate steps I would take: -We also need to assure current faculty and staff that their work continues to be important to SMC members, and not lose the current momentum we have in collection of high-quality data from our field studies. -Eric Turnblom is currently a peer. I would like to keep it that way. He could succeed me when I retire. -Greg Ettl is potentially a very positive force for SMC, dynamic, able to get funding. -
If members think another person would make a better director, FOR WHATEVER REASON, it is my goal to support them and bring additional value to the SMC as I have done my best to do in the past. I am very happy to remain as Nutrition TAC leader if that is in the best interests of the SMC overall. Please do not choose me if you determine that Eric, Greg or another person would ultimately be a better leader and director for SMC. I will continue to work for SMC.