1 Gaius Julius Caesar The end of the Republic
2 Outline Introduction Part I. His life and carrier Part II. His relation with Cleopatra Part III. The reason of his death Conclusion References
3 Cleopatra arriving in Rome
4 Introduction Gaius Julius Caesar can be considered as the father of the Roman imperial system Military genius, powerful statesman, he became dictator for life, a title that frightened Roman senators as a remembrance of Rome’s hated kingdom ( BC) Caesar followed Pompey to Egypt where he restored Queen Cleopatra—earlier deposed by her brother Ptolemy XIII—to the Egyptian throne. He soon brought her to Rome as his mistress; they share the dream of ruling the world The name Caesar was retained to designate the imperial rulers; the imperial significance of the title Caesar was preserved in modern derivations (German kaiser; Russian tsar)
5 Part I. His life and carrier Caesar ( BC), Roman general and statesman, who laid the foundations of the Roman imperial system Born in Rome on July 12 or 13, 100 BC, belonged to the prestigious Julian clan He joined forces with Crassus and Pompey in a three-way alliance known as the First Triumvirate in 60 BC Military campaigns in Gaul and Britain in BC In 49 BC Caesar crossed the Rubicon, in three months he was master of all Italy; his forces then took Spain and the key port of Massalia (now Marseille) Among ancient military commanders, he may be second only to Alexander the Great
6 Part II. His relation with Cleopatra After Caesar's first wife, Cornelia, died in 68 BC, he married Pompeia, divorced her and married in 59 BC Calpurnia Cleopatra VII (51-30 BC), daughter of Ptolemy XII, king of Egypt, sister of Ptolemy XIII Caesar proclaimed Cleopatra queen of Egypt when in 47 BC Ptolemy XIII was killed Forced by custom to marry her younger brother, Ptolemy XIV (11 years old) Cleopatra went to Rome, where she lived as Caesar's mistress She gave birth to a son, Caesarion, later Ptolemy XV, killed by Octavian in 30 BC
7 Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, born in 1932, British actress, model, producer, Cleopatra in 1963
8 Part III. The reason of his death According to the constitution, the office of dictatorship was to be held for six months during a dire emergency He wore the robe, crown, and scepter of a triumphant general and used the title imperator As Pontifex Maximus, he was head of the state religion and he was in total command of the armies He was made consul for ten years in 45 BC and received the sanctity of tribunes, making it illegal to harm him A number of senatorial families felt that Caesar threatened their position, his honors and powers made them fear that he would become a rex (king), a title they, as Republicans, hated On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar entered the Senate house, a group of senators including Cassius and Brutus, killed him
9 One of the most influential political and military leaders in history, Gaius Julius Caesar helped establish the vast empire ruled by Rome. Caesar’s triumph in a civil war in the 40s BC made him the absolute ruler of Rome, but political jealousies among his opponents motivated them to assassinate him.
10 Conclusion Since Caesar had no male heirs, he stipulated in his will that his grandnephew, Octavius, become his successor Octavius became Rome's first emperor under the name of Augustus in 27 BC Caesar was a gifted writer, with a clear and simple style. His De Bello Gallico (On the Gallic War), is a major source of information about the early Celtic and Germanic tribes Scholarly opinion of Caesar's accomplishments is divided, some blame him for the demise of the Roman Republic Others maintain that to save the Roman world from chaos, a new type of government had to be created
11 References efArticle.aspx?refid= ¶=14 5#p145 efArticle.aspx?refid= ¶=14 5#p145 efArticle.aspx?refid= efArticle.aspx?refid= bethtaylor_poster1.html bethtaylor_poster1.html