Today’s lecture Follow-up on last week –Dahl –Definitions of democracy Preliminary glimpse of the causes of democracy, or democratization – intermingled with other stuff The consequences of democracy – relatively brief because readings quite clear
Aristotle’s typology of regimes – the truth of the matter!!! Q2: “In whose interest do the rulers rule?” Q1: “Who rules?” OneFewMany General good MonarchyAristocracyPolity RulersTyrannyOligarchyDemocracy
Naïve view Govt. Citizens
Elite C Elite B Elite A Population Pyramidal view Govt.
Pluralist view Elected politicians Area 1 Area 2Area 3 The mass Public ????? Specialized elites
What would a modern definition of democracy contain? Rule by the many But realized through political representatives... Who are chosen through competitive popular election Protection for minorities – otherwise, danger of majority dictatorship – raises question of which rights are essential – minority restraint is also important Not either-or proposition – a continuum, not a category So intermediate, mixed, and hybrid regimes are common No one best form of government for democracy – multiple possibilities – form of government does have consequences Beware fakes! Salvage: Electoral democracy vs. Liberal democracy
What about “nondemocratic” regimes? They are pretty complex, too –Traditional authoritarianism (patrimonialism) –Modern totalitarianism –Competitive authoritarianism
Trend in Polity IV scores
Trends in high Polity scores
Number of state units (Polity IV study)
Electoral democracy Modern totalitarianism Most autocratic Traditional authoritarianism Liberal democracy Schematic regime trajectories Most democratic Competitive authoritarianism
Amartya Sen on benefits of democracy Intrinsic Instrumental Constructive