Collecting Basic Evaluation Information Chapter Six
Participant Consent Must secure liability waivers before participation Client consent forms for testing Are clients fully informed Clients can ask questions Withdraw without penalty Permission before assessment
Participant Consent cont… Totally voluntary Stop at any time Confidential Follow-up times Printed name Signature 6.1 page 88
Confidentiality Assure clients of confidentiality in writing A lot of personal information Credit card info and phone numbers Bank accounts Medical history forms Emergency contacts
Securing Files Secure files in a locked cabinet Only program personnel have access Have access procedures Have authorization procedures Computer files should have hierarchy passwords
Identifiers Coding of each client in the system SSN is code sometimes Date and time are code Birth dates are codes Avoid the use of personal info for codes Code data then look up names later
Profiling Collect background info on all clients Registration forms or medical history forms Age and gender Education & income level Physically active Where they live Smoking or not
Profiling cont… Are you reaching your intended audience? Does clientele change over time? Comparing with other agencies Most frequent users Comparing users to drop-outs Which types of clients benefit most You need a questionnaire
Profiling cont… 6.4 page 92 Part A is general info Part B is background health history Part C is present physical activity Part D is program content Form can be modified to meet any needs New client forms primarily
Tracking Participation Attendance rates are needed Compare users vs. drop-outs Basically assume that users get benefits Outcome evaluation requires attendance Proper rates involve individual user rates Give each client a log or form Monitoring usage rates tell peak times for exercise
Tracking Participation cont… Monitoring classes is easy Monitoring pool and treadmills is more difficult Have clients submit logs for evaluation Get a snapshot of usage on one day Sample during different times Staff revolve around facility and record usage Get individual usage and demographics
Absentees Get inactive members before they become drop- outs Flag members not present for specified time Instructors can help with absentees Send letters through the mail Phone calls lasting only 5 min can resume action 6.5 page 98
Absentees cont… Contact absentees Encourage resumption Get reasons for absence Get a focus group for drop-outs May work in a corporate environment May not work for dissatisfied customers Focus groups next time