Mind reader: You’ll hear little or nothing as you think, “What is this person really thinking or feeling?” Rehearser: Your mental tryouts for “here’s what I’ll say next” tune out the speaker Filterer: Some call this selective listening- hearing only what you want to hear Dreamer: Drifting off during a face-face conversation can lead to embarrassing “What did you say? Or “Could you repeat that?” Why We Don’t Hear Others
Identifier: If you refer to everything you hear to your experience, you probably didn’t really hear what you said Comparer: When you get sidetracked assessing the messenger, you’re sure to miss the message. Derailer: Changing the subject too quickly soon tells others you’re not interested in anything they have to say to you Sparrer: You hear what’s said but quickly belittle it or discount it. That puts you in the same class as the derailer Placater: Agreeing with everything you hear just to be nice or to avoid conflict does not mean you’re a good listener.
Benefits of Collaboration in Schools Minimizes problems of pull-out programs Allows for supportive teaching and modified teaching for all students All students have the assistance of 2 teachers instead of 1 Prevents the feeling of isolation for teachers Studies show that teachers regard teaching as more enjoyable and stimulating
Models of Co-Teaching One teach, one drift One teach, one observe Station teaching Parallel teaching Alternative teaching Team teaching – this is what we try to model!
Collaboration in an Inclusion Classroom
Parents/Family Members The Student/peers General educators Special educators Paraprofessionals/Volunteers Speech therapist Occupational/Physical therapist Staff from Community Agencies Administration Fellow teachers Guidance counselor School administrators
Pragmatics of Collaboration Where do you find the time? –Planning periods – do they exist? –Prep periods Is there administration support? Resistance from colleagues Increased workload issues Concerns about grading