PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT Young GraduatesGeneral Unemployed Business Skills training Syrian Companies Business Incubator Indian IT Companies IT Training New Projects Recruitment/ Temporary Employment Companies Recruitment Skills Vocational Training Syrian Companies Program Target Export Development Employer
PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT Acquire the practical skills needed to be employed by the Syrian private sector Business Skills Training Program Details English language capability Secretarial Skills Cost Accounting Financial Management Production Planning Marketing Export Development
PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT Training Material: developing the proper content either independently or in conjunction with selected Indian IT training firms Program Details IT Training System Integration System Testing Quality Assurance Call Center Result: - Subcontracting to Indian IT firms. - Establishing new firms under guidance of the Business Incubator
Business Incubator New successful Project Setting up a pilot Business Incubator Center. Training its personnel Experimenting its activity Program Details Analyze the status of the Syrian Industry (public and private) Select and train the personnel Set up a suitable space to host the Business Incubator Conduct feasibility studies for Pilot Projects Implement the Pilot Projects. PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT Steps
Vocational Training Develop Training Programs Program Details Assist to source and customize the content for local requirements. Remedies the gaps existing in the present Syrian vocational education system Train the trainers. PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT
Study selected industrial sectors. Select companies Make export connections. Export Development Improve Quality Lower Cost Program Details Expanded business will Offer job opportunities for young graduates and the general unemployed. PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT
Set up these companies Train their personnel Recruitment / Temporary Employment Skills Testing Interviewing Selecting Program Details PROGRAMS FOR COMBATING UNEMPLOYMENT Result Bringing together employees & employers.