Introduction My background Questions, comments, please interrupt as we go
A Brief Overview of Timberline Number of employees: Sales 65 million US and International Forbes List 5 years running Oregon Fastest 50
Timberline’s markets … Unique market integrating construction processes from CAD to accounting and property management. We automate the complete building cycle.
Estimating CAD Cost estimating Scheduling Purchasing
Project Management Tie budgets to actuals Document management Change management
Construction Accounting Job cost, payroll, accounts payable, etc. Contracts/billings PO/IV
Property Management Properties, units, tenant management Portfolio management
Timberline’s Business Model We do it all …
Marketing –Market research –Marketing materials –Creative Services –Client satisfaction
Sales Blended channel Some direct sales (mostly national accounts) Channel (national and international) New sales and maintenance contracts account for something like 60% of our revenue
Product Development Project Management Business Analysis R&D Quality Assurance Tech Communications
Client Services Telephone support Consulting Training Major change in the last 10 years from a relative small revenue stream to about 40% now.
G&A President/CEO Internal Accounting Operations PC/IT Services
Product Development – A Representative Project Just a note about terminology: – Strategy vs. tactics – What we mean by ‘customer’
Strategy Product planning –Product definition –Change management
Tactics Project management –Schedule –Scope Technology issues Learning the industry Learning the product –Resources How was the team organized and led? –Cost and risk management What were the risks and how were they managed?
Product Development Coding Testing Tech communications Operations
If we could do this over again … Every project is different but all projects have important similarities. – Better early design – More and more detailed design – Co-location of team – Better and earlier assessment of technical risks
General Issues –How we manage expectations about delivery dates and content/features –How we keep our customers in the loop –Iterative process: Plan Do Check