Creating Search Strategies - Boolean and Truncation Exercise Library 150 Week 3 in class exercise
Finding Key Words Summarize the research topic in the form of a question How does alcohol effect college students? Highlight key words How does alcohol effect college students?
Find similar & opposite words Similar words (synonyms) alcohol -- alcoholism, beer, wine, booze college -- university, higher education student -- students, pupils Opposite words (antonyms) college -- high school
OR Boolean Logic – OR Join similar words with OR and parenthesis () (alcohol or beer) Example: (alcohol or beer) either term appears in articles broadens search, increases number of results alcohol beer alcohol beer or alcohol = 26,807 beer = 6,336 alcohol or beer = 32,626
AND Boolean Logic – AND Join major concepts with AND alcohol and students Example alcohol and students both terms appear in articles narrows search, decreases number of results alcohol students and students = 134,037 alcohol = 26,807 alcohol and students = 1,418
NOT Boolean Logic – NOT Join opposite concepts with NOT students not "high school" Example students not "high school" excludes articles with concept narrows search, decreases number of results studentsstudents not highschool students = 134,037 high school = 27,349 students not "high school" = 121,576
Boolean Logic (alcohol or beer) and students not "high school" Example -- (alcohol or beer) and students not "high school" alcohol beer students results highschool (alcohol or beer) and students not "high school" = 1,220
Truncation Finds all forms of word - replace end of word with *, +, ! … (check for symbol) colleg* college colleges college’s colleges’ collegian collegial collegiate …