Course Outline MAIL.PPT/1 © All Rights Reserved by TQMI TQMI, India's leading training and consultancy organisation, with its network of offices across the country and in Dubai, specializes in providing solutions to all your quality related issues. With more than 15 years of its operations, TQMI utilizes the wealth of experience of its counselors, who conduct the training programmes and convert the whole experience into a cherishable memory for all the participants. The fact that these training programmes are taken repeatedly by its client companies who recommend these programmes to others, is itself a trend setting phenomena. All the exercises and case studies are prepared with the knowledge gained by the counselors and make these programmes useful and practical for the participants. The number of times these courses are conducted in all these years speak for the value addition the client organizations get out of these courses. The blue chip companies who are working with TQMI have achieved tremendous benefits from these courses and the value addition in their quality management system speaks for the quality of these programmes. Purpose & Outcome Value Analysis / Value Engineering Process The Value Equation. The role of teamwork in value enhancement. Cost-plus pricing and market pricing. How consensus works in the VA/VE process. How to construct a team charter and why this is critical to success. How to include client interests in the VA/VE process. The relationship between VA/VE and Quality Function Deployment. How "function" contributes to client satisfaction. How to determine which functions are most important to clients. How to construct a product or service flow diagram. How anyone can be creative. How to appraise and develop creative ideas. How to calculate the value of your current product or service. How to calculate the change in value that creative proposals create. Action Planning for VA/VE: How to measure, track, and drive improvements and cost reductions. What a Value Agreement is and why it is critical to VA/VE. The key role of management in VA/VE. Who Should Attend ? Anyone involved in the planning, design, or operation of a product, service, or manufacturing process. Why TQMI ? Two Days VA-VE and its many aspects can be presented in either a one day training session or a two day workshop. In the one- day training event, participants will gain knowledge and understanding of the VA-VE methodology. In a two-day workshop, real teams from your organization will not only learn all about VA-VE, but will build an VA-VE system and be ready to initiate VA-VE activities when they are done. When the workshop is elected, there are specific preparation activities that the client needs to complete prior to the workshop; we can also assist with these activities. The outcome are : Discover how value can be defined and quantified. See how to recognize and describe your product in client terms. Find out how you can actively involve the supply chain in production. Complete a value analysis exercise on a common product and see how the VA/VE process works. I0322 ISSUE 1PNL 468
Course Outline MAIL.PPT/2 © All Rights Reserved by TQMI TQMI, India's leading training and consultancy organisation, with its network of offices across the country, specializes in providing solutions to all your quality related issues. With more than 16 years of its operations, TQMI utilizes the wealth of experience of its counselors, who conduct the training programmes and convert the whole experience into a cherishable memory for all the participants. The fact that these training programmes are taken repeatedly by its client companies who recommend these programmes to others, is itself a trend setting phenomena. All the exercises and case studies are prepared with the knowledge gained by the counselors and make these programmes useful and practical for the participants. The number of times these courses are conducted in all these years speak for the value addition the client organizations get out of these courses. The blue chip companies who are working with TQMI have achieved tremendous benefits from these courses and the value addition in their quality management system speaks for the quality of these programmes. Purpose & Outcome Process The purpose and objectives outlined above fulfilled through: -Session to cover. -VE Terminology. -Various steps in VE. -Case history methodology for VE. -Open discussions. Who Should Attend ? Senior and middle management executives who are part of future business planning and those responsible for improvements by way of cost reduction and waste management. Why TQMI ? One Day "Companies today thrive or falter for a variety of reasons, paramount of these is the issue of cost- effectiveness. Companies that are not cost-effective in a market place just do not make it for very long. Customers want product that are reliable, do what they are expressed to do and at an agreeable price“ The premier tool for matching customer needs with the right product at the right price is Value Engineering. Value Engineering can yield considerable profits in industrial enterprises where the primary yardstick for performance is profit. VE is a systematic, step by step approach, intended to achieve the desired function of a product, process, system or service at an overall minimum cost without in any way effecting QCD requirements. By the end of the course the participants would be able to: -appreciate concept of VE /VA. -be able to initiate projects at their respective organization. F0820 ISSUE 3 PNL 468_1 INTRODUCTION TO VALUE ENGINEERING / VALUE ANALYSIS
Course Outline MAIL.PPT/3 © All Rights Reserved by TQMI TQMI, India's leading training and consultancy organisation, with its network of offices across the country, specializes in providing solutions to all your quality related issues. With more than 16 years of its operations, TQMI utilizes the wealth of experience of its counselors, who conduct the training programmes and convert the whole experience into a cherishable memory for all the participants. The fact that these training programmes are taken repeatedly by its client companies who recommend these programmes to others, is itself a trend setting phenomena. All the exercises and case studies are prepared with the knowledge gained by the counselors and make these programmes useful and practical for the participants. The number of times these courses are conducted in all these years speak for the value addition the client organizations get out of these courses. The blue chip companies who are working with TQMI have achieved tremendous benefits from these courses and the value addition in their quality management system speaks for the quality of these programmes. Purpose & Outcome Process The purpose and objectives outlined above are fulfilled through sessions to cover: -VE/ VA terminology. -Various steps in VE. -Case history methodology for VE. -Identification of various types of wastes. -Approach to C.I.P. methodology. -Open discussions. Who Should Attend ? Senior and middle management executives who are part of future business planning and those responsible for improvements by way of cost reduction and waste management. Why TQMI ? Two Days "Companies today thrive or falter for a variety of reasons, paramount of these is the issue of cost- effectiveness. Companies that are not cost-effective in a market place just do not make it for very long. Customers want product that are reliable, perform the desired function at an agreeable price“ The tools for matching customer needs with the right product at the right price are VE/ VA, Waste Management and culture of continuous improvement. VE is a systematic, step by step approach, intended to achieve the desired function of a product, process, system or service at an overall minimum cost without in any way effecting QCD requirements. Waste Management is a systematic approach based on Toyota Production Systems and Canon Production System to identify and reduce the wastes. C.I.P. is a culture change in the organization to adopt a culture of continuous improvement form measurable results and cost-reduction. By the end of the course the participants would be able to: -appreciate concept of VE /VA. -understand various wastes. -appreciate C.I.P. concepts. They will be able to initiate projects at their respective organizations. F0820 ISSUE 3 PNL 468_2 INTRODUCTION TO VALUE ENGINEERING / VALUE ANALYSIS