Typical Belgian products Marie Caes 3 Nature and Environment 16th of April
Belgian Chocolate
Cacao plant
Cacaoplant Naturally on riverbanks, shade 13 to 15 metres Simultaneously bearing leaves, fruit,flowers to flowers, only 20 to 30 pods Hot and humid atmosphere Tropics
Harvest 9 months after flowering Twice a year November-January + May-July Delicate tree, flowers and pots
Shelling and fermentation Removing beans and pulp Precision Other smell then chocolate In boxes with banana leaves A week at 45 – 50°C Seperates beans from pulp
Drying 60% 7% moisture Dried in sun or rotating dryers Sorted according to quality Placed in sacks for transport
Conching Tempering Fermentation Drying
Belgian Endive Chicorium endivia
1 : Cutting leaves from growing plant
2 : Keeping the roots in dark place
3 : Development of new bud
Belgian Endive
Belgian waffels
Brussels sprouts
Belgian beer
Belgian cheese
Typical products of Geel A “Geels hartje” is a buttercookie in the shape of a little heart. It has marzipan inside, has almonds and a little layer of apricotjam on the top. The coockie symbolises the charity of the city Geel. It can be bought in (almost) every bakery in Geel.
Sausages of Vandecruys Already for four generations the butchery Vandecruys from Geel makes sausages according to a secret recipe. The sausages are very light digestible and subtly spiced. They even got a special label.
Other products of Geel
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