Agenda *Ethics in Persuasion *Media Determinism *Cultivation Theory
Aristotelian Ethics *Moderation in all things *Identified unethical elements: falsifying or fabricating evidence distorting evidence conscious use of specious evidence deceiving audience about speaker intentions
PROPAGANDA DEVICES *Name calling *Glittering generality *Transfer *Plain-folks *Card stacking *Bandwagon
Ethics of Communication *Ethics Judged by Ends Sought *Problem 1: worthy ends can be found to rationalize anything *Problem 2: ends may be defined in very different ways
Ethics of Communication *Ethics Judged by Means Used *Problem 1: there may be competing goals *Problem 2: strained when dealing with unethical or totalitarian societies
Ethics of Communication *Ethics Judged by Speaker’s Intentions *Problem 1: may excuse disgraceful choices *Problem 2: actually just relies on the ends sought
Ethics of Communication *Ethics Judged by the Situation *Defined: the view that “the right solution to any moral problem depends much more on the situation itself than on any general, external code; and that the key to the solution is always love”
McLuhan’s Notion of Media Determinism *1: "The Medium is the Message“ *2: Media are both extensions and environments *3: "The 'content' of any medium is always another medium"
McLuhan’s View of Media Determinism *global village *Media are not neutral *we become what we behold
Medium hot and medium cool Cool Hot Television Movies Radio Books
Attempt at Clarity *Question 1: What does it (the medium or technology) extend? * What does it make obsolete? *What is retrieved? *What does the technology reverse into if it is over-extended?
*How has popular music changed since MTV? *How has the Internet changed the way we stay in touch? *Did the printing press change the course of Christianity? *Word processing, cell phones, and calculators has improved efficiency, but how has it hurt learning?
I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening. The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village. The medium is the message.
Cultivation Theory
Agenda Setting Theory *East Timor: 200,000 ( ) *Rwanda: 657,000 (1994) *Tibet