FLORIDA STANDARDS ASSESSMENTS Test Design Summary and Blue Print
New Standards don’t necessarily mean we have to start all over: We will continue to BUILD upon the academic foundation we have already started with NGSSS and FCAT 2.0. We do not have to start from “scratch” New standards just “delve a little deeper” into what we teach The Administrative team and Leadership Team will continue to provide ongoing support
ELA Standards Coverage: LAFS Search for your assigned grade levels K-12 How many Reporting Categories? Same or different as FCAT 2.0? Which Reporting Categories are assessed the most? Least? How can this impact instruction/results? What findings did you make in regards to the genres? How many standards per category? Write in R.C. box What is different about the expectation in grade 3? How can EVERY teacher teach text-based writing in their content area?
Math Standards Coverage: MAFS Search for your assigned grade levels K-12 How many Reporting Categories? Same as FCAT 2.0? Which Reporting Categories are assessed the most? Least? How can this impact instruction/results? How many standards per category? Write in R.C. box
CPALMS Charter
Depth of Knowledge What is description of DOK Level 1? What is description of DOK Level 2? What is description of DOK Level 3? In which DOK level are the most questions assessed? Why? How can we prepare students in building endurance for the end of year summative exam? How many questions? Is it a timed test?
Comparison of Webb’s DOK Model with Florida’s Original DOK Webb’s DOK LevelsFlorida’s Original DOK Levels Level 1: RecallLow: Recall Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts Moderate: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning High: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning Level 4: Extended Thinking & Complex Reasoning Table 1. Comparison of Webb’s DOK Model with Florida’s
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