SPIN Meeting Agenda SPA Hot Topics James Trotter, Interim Senior Manager, Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) RGC Hot Topics Deb Golden-Eppelein, Director, Research Grants & Contracts (RGC) InfoEd Upgrade Deb Golden-Eppelein, Director, Research Grants & Contracts (RGC)
SPIN Meeting Agenda IRB/PPQ Process Deb Golden-Eppelein, Director, Research Grants & Contracts (RGC) OHSU Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) Process Improvement Gary Chiodo, Chief Integrity Officer, Director, OHSU Research Integrity Office Technology Transfer & Business Development (TTBD) Arundeep S. Pradhan, Associate Vice President, TTBD
SPA Hot Topics James Trotter Interim Senior Manager, SPA
SPA Hot Topics Form changes requires less signatures Effort Reminder OGA Expenditure types linked to the Chart of Accounts (COA) Stimulus Award Update No SPIN in August
Updated Forms SPA has reduced the number of signatures required for approval on the following forms: Subaward/Contract Extension Request Form Preaward Account Set-up Request Form Program Development Account (PDA) Request Form OGA Award and Project Data Change Request Form Accelerated Spending Request Form Defined Research Account (DRA) Request Form
Updated Forms University Adjustment Form Foundation Cost Transfer Form Labor Cost Transfer Approval (LCTA) Form The revised forms are located at: Chance to use an updated form! Please review and update Award Department Fiscal Manager (ADFM) and Project Department Fiscal Manager (PDFM) for OGA projects ge.pdf ge.pdf
Effort Reminder Effort Period ended 6/30/09 Effort Period closes 8/16/09 All pertinent dates can be found at 09_0609.pdf 09_0609.pdf
Chart of Accounts COMING SOON - OGA Expenditure types linked to the Chart of Accounts (COA) services/managing/accounts/index.cfm services/managing/accounts/index.cfm
Stimulus Award Update Stimulus Award Transaction Controls GR-Office & Admin Supplies GR-Books Periodicals Subscrip GR-Postage GR-Membership in Profesnl Org GR-Hosting Groups & Guests GR-Parking GR-Duplicating & Copying GR-Telecommunications
Stimulus Award Update Quarterly reporting for Stimulus awards 10 days after the end of the quarter starting October 10 th (revised from July 10 th ) Will need information from departments/PIs such as progress towards completion (i.e., less than 50%, more than 50%)
RGC Hot Topics Deb Golden-Eppelein Director, RGC
RGC Hot Topics No Cost Extension form change Subaward request forms
InfoEd Update Deb Golden-Eppelein Director, RGC
InfoEd Update Upgrade to version on August 25 th Downtime expected between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for upgrade and testing Highlights: New application types including “K” and DP3 mechanisms. Removal of “Copy from Existing” function to keep old proposal code from causing problems Box 17 on SF424 now defaults to “No”. Validation checker for RGC now fixed. PD Lite Budgeting tool available and easy to use.
IRB/PPQ Process Deb Golden-Eppelein Director, RGC
OHSU IACUC Process Improvement Project Gary T. Chiodo, DMD, FACD Chief Integrity Officer Director, OHSU Research Integrity Office
Immediate Initiatives Monthly meetings twice monthly meetings PI self-certification for annual renewal (non-USDA animals) PI self-certification for matching grants to protocols Added IACUC staff FTE
Long-Range Initiatives Develop and implement one authoritative database for compliance information Revise and pilot-test the eIACUC Form an IACUC Leadership Advisory Committee Implement a continuous quality improvement program Recruit a new chair follow-up questions to
Technology Transfer & Business Development Arundeep S. Pradhan Associate Vice President, TTBD
TTBD Staff J. Timothy Stout, Vice President Arundeep S. Pradhan, Associate Vice President Kristin Rencher, Director Technology Development Abhijit Banerjee, Director Business Development
TTBD Staff Michele Gunness, Senior Tech Development Mgr Andrew Watson, Tech Development Mgr Christopher Andon, Tech Development Mgr Kristen Dincher, Tech Marketing Mgr Jay Phillips, Tech Development Assoc Ruth Epling, Tech Development Coord Elaine Soljaga, Executive Assistant Laura Packard, Accounting Technician Nicole Garrison, Administrative Assistant
The next SPIN meeting will be: September 17, 2009 at 9:30am in UHS 8B-60 Mark your calendar!