Cyclo-stationary inversions of 13 C and CO 2 John Miller, Scott Denning, Wouter Peters, Neil Suits, Kevin Gurney, Jim White & T3 Modelers
Outline 1.Motivation: Forward modeling with T3L2 fluxes showed 13 C data could not be fit well, even considering 13 C parameter uncertainty. 2.Set-up of the inversion 3.Results: What does 13 C tell us, and is it different from using just CO 2 ?
Model Setup 1.Cyclo-stationary (monthly mean) response functions from Transcom3- Level 2. 2.Use CO 2 and 13 C data to optimize: A.Surface Fluxes (12 months x 22 regions) B.Iso-disequilibrium (~annual x 22 regions) C.Terrestrial fractionation (12 months x 11 regions)
13 C Mass Balance Global or 2D Calculations F=F oce + F land Iterate until fluxes converge
Model Inputs 1.Data: Detrended Monthly Means A.55 stations: Globalview CO 2 B.35 stations: CMDL 13 C ( a la GV) 2.Model-Data Uncertainty: A.MBL N0.5 ppm0.05 per mil B.MBL S+Tropics C.Hi-Altitude D.Continental Priors and Uncertainty A.Flux: ~T3 (CASA NEP; Tak-99 2 ); 2PgC/yr, 1PgC/yr B.Disequilibrium; 5 PgC per mil/yr C.Fractionation (SiB2): 2 per mil (4 per mil in mixed C 3 /C 4 regions)
Sampling and Flux Locations Green dots: CO 2 and 13 C dataBlack dots: only CO 2 data
Annual Mean Disequilbrium
Oceanic Disequilibrium Based on measurements of pCO 2 and δ 13 C of DIC. Latitudinal gradient is caused by temperature dependent fractionation. Depending on windspeed and pCO2 data set, global integral can vary by > 20 % Annual Mean
Terrestrial Disequilibrium Based on atmospheric history and CASA model of respiration. And, this assumes constant Δ over time.
Annual Mean Flux signatures
‘Discrimination’ Map ( A ) Variations dominated by C 3 /C 4 distribution. If not accounted for, C 4 uptake looks like oceanic exchange, because of its small fractionation.
Fits to Data ‘CO 2 -only’ fluxes tend to underestimate 13 C amplitudes in NH. Black = Observations Red = Posterior (13C and CO2) Blue = Posterior (CO2 only)
Annual Mean Flux Land/Ocean flux = -1.5 / -1.3 GtC/yr
Annual Mean Flux: CO 2 – 13 C
Aggregated Seasonal Fluxes and differences from CO 2 : model mean
Partitioning sensitivity
Annual Mean Error Reduction
Annual Mean Error Reduction for Disequilibrium and Fractionation Unc. (per mil)
Questions 1.How to propogate uncertainty in iterative inversions? 2.River fluxes affect 13 C and CO 2 differently – how to deal with in joint inversion?
Conclusions 13 C results imply that leakage across land/ocean boundaries exists. 13 C can stabilize Land/Ocean partitioning across models 3.Annual mean Land/Ocean partitioning is dependent upon disequilibrium, but seasonal patterns are not. Interannual patterns are also likely to be robust. 4.With reasonable uncertainties on 13 C params, between model unc appears larger than within model uncertainty.