NRES 441 / 641 Ecology and Management Of Invasive Plants
Instructor Dr. Kimberly Allcock Lab: FA 125 Ph: Office hours: Tues 11AM-1PM or by appointment
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Some terminology: exoticintroducedaliennon-indigenous
weedruderal Some terminology: exoticintroducedaliennon-indigenous
weedruderal invasive Some terminology: exoticintroducedaliennon-indigenous naturalized
weedruderal invasive Can a native plant be invasive? Some terminology: exoticintroducedaliennon-indigenous
Little understory Decreased forage increased soil erosion Decreased soil fertility Decreased range value Pinyon-juniper expansion…
Invasive species – NISIC definition (quote from ‘An "invasive species" is defined as a species that is 1)non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and 2) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. (Executive Order 13112).Executive Order Invasive species can be plants, animals, and other organisms (e.g., microbes). Human actions are the primary means of invasive species introductions.’
1)Invasive plants – What are they? a) State and Federal laws and regulations Nevada State Laws: Nevada Revised Statutes – Chapter 555
1)Invasive plants – What are they? a) State and Federal laws and regulations Nevada State Laws: Nevada Revised Statutes – Chapter 555 NRS Definitions 3. “Noxious weed” means any species of plant which is, or is likely to be, detrimental or destructive and difficult to control or eradicate.
1)Invasive plants – What are they? a) State and Federal laws and regulations Nevada State Laws: Nevada Revised Statutes – Chapter 555 NRS Definitions NRS Director [NV Dept. Ag.] authorized 1.Investigate the prevalence of 2.Take the necessary action to control
1)Invasive plants – What are they? a) State and Federal laws and regulations Nevada State Laws: Nevada Revised Statutes – Chapter 555 NRS Definitions NRS Director [NV Dept. Ag.] authorization NRS Weed control analyst: Creation 2. The person appointed must be scientist with master’s degree NRS Weed control analyst : Duties 1. Research biological methods of controlling noxious weeds 2. Document the effectiveness of methods 3. Develop strategies for managing
1)Invasive plants – What are they? a) State and Federal laws and regulations Nevada State Laws: Nevada Revised Statutes – Chapter 555 NRS Definitions NRS Director [NV Dept. Ag.] authorization NRS & Weed control analyst NRS Designation of noxious weeds The state quarantine officer may declare by regulation the weeds of the state that are noxious weeds, but a weed must not be designated as noxious which is already introduced and established in the state to such an extent as to make its control or eradication impracticable in the judgment of the state quarantine officer.