Introduction Transportation System Objectives : Military; Knit together the inhabitants of a territory by providing mutual access and communication; Economic Activity. Modes of Transportation : Highway, Rail, Air and Water Transportation (Physically).
Planning Deal with the selection of projects for design and construction. The transportation planner begins by defining the problem, gathering and analyzing data, and evaluating various alternative solutions. –Forecasts of future traffic –Estimates of the impact of the facility on land use –Evaluate the impact of the environment and the community –Determine the benefits and costs that will result if the project is built (Financial & Economic)
Design Involve the specification of all features of the transportation system so that it will function smoothly, efficiently, and in accord with physical laws. –Geometric Design : Such as longitudinal profile, vertical curves and elevations, cross section such as pavement widths, shoulders, right-of-way, drainage ditches and fencing. –Pavement Design : Base and subbase courses and pavement material. –Traffic control devices, drainage structures, roadside rest areas, and landscaping.
Construction & Maintenance Beginning with clearing of the native soil, preparation of the surface, placement of the pavement material, and preparation of the final roadway for use by traffic. PMS, Record Keeping & Data Management, Scheduling of manpower to minimize delay and cost, Redesign of existing highway sections, Economic evaluation of maintenance programs, Testing of new products.
Traffic Operations Traffic engineering involves the integration of vehicle, driver, and pedestrian characteristics to improve the safety and capacity of streets and highways. 1.Traffic accident analyses 2.Parking 3.Loading 4.Design of terminal Facilities 5.Traffic Signs 6.Markings 7.Signals 8.Speed Regulation 9.Highway Lighting