Unpacking Methodology For Use in Conjunction with Following Slides Before you start, you need this slide show and a paper copy of the unpacking web posted in your classroom. Introduce the assessment by conducting a reading of the assignment details in Springboard text. Direct students to turn to the scoring guide for the assessment and present the first slide. Explain how the unpacking web connects to the scoring guide – Each bubble summarizes one section of the Scoring Guide. Assign one bubble / section of the Scoring Guide to student groups. Ask students to find what you missed, to fill in the details of the requirements for the assessment and detail what they will actually need to do and know to be successful. Ask students to write items on index cards or sticky notes and post them on the paper version of the unpacking web. When all groups are finished, ask each group to share their findings with the class. While students work, circulate asking guiding question and providing assistance where needed. Share slide 2 and compare the students’ work with your unpacking details. Contact Amanda Byrd with questions: albyrd1@interact.ccsd.net.
UNIT 1 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 1 – Writing a Hero’s Journey Narrative Ideas UNIT 1 – EA 1 Writing a Hero’s Journey Narrative Write a narrative with a protagonist, a conflict, details and visuals. Use sophisticated language and follow conventions. Include exposition, events, transitions and a resolution. Use of Language Structure
UNIT 1 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 1 – Writing a Hero’s Journey Narrative Ideas UNIT 1 – EA 1 Writing a Hero’s Journey Narrative Connotative Diction Vivid Verbs Figurative Language Sensory Language Follow Conventions: capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage Write a narrative with a protagonist, a conflict, details and visuals. Adequate Exposition Sequence events logically. Include Hero’s Journey steps. Transitional words phrases and clauses. Logical Resolution Believable, Original Protagonist Point of View, Setting, and Conflict Details, Dialogue, Imagery and Descriptions Visuals Use sophisticated language and follow conventions. Include exposition, events, transitions and a resolution. Use of Language Structure
Unit 1- Embedded Assessment 2 – Writing a Definition Essay Use of Language Include strategies of definition, a thesis, and details. Write for an academic audience and follow conventions. Ideas UNIT 1 – EA 2 Writing a Definition Essay Structure Include an introduction, conclusion, organized ideas and transitions.
Unit 1- Embedded Assessment 2 – Writing a Definition Essay Use of Language Use diction and style that are appropriate for an academic audience. Follow conventions: capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage. Ideas Include strategies of definition, a thesis, and details. Write for an academic audience and follow conventions. Define a hero through function, example and negation. Write and maintain a clear thesis. Supporting Detail Evidence, including Quotes and Paraphrases Provide citations and commentary. UNIT 1 – EA 2 Writing a Definition Essay Hook , Bridge, Thesis Logical, Organized Support Paragraphs Coherence Transitions Topic Sentences Conclusions that follows from ideas presented Structure Include an introduction, conclusion, organized ideas and transitions.
Unit 2 – Embedded Assessment 1 – Writing an Expository Essay USE OF LANGUAGE Unit 2 – EA 1 WRITING AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY IDEAS Use an academic voice, quotations, and demonstrate command of conventions. Write an essay in response to a prompt that develops ideas and provides commentary. Structure your essay with an introduction, transitions, ideas and a conclusion. STRUCTURE
Unit 2 – Embedded Assessment 1 – Writing an Expository Essay USE OF LANGAUGE Unit 2 – EA 1 WRITING AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY IDEAS Use an academic voice, quotations, and demonstrate command of conventions. Write an essay in response to a prompt that develops ideas and provides commentary. Write a complete introduction. Use an appropriate organizational structure. Use transitional strategies. Write a conclusion. Consistent academic voice. Literary terms and precise language. Embedded quotations. Punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage. Maintain a focused thesis. Develop ideas thoroughly. Provide insightful commentary. Structure your essay with an introduction, transitions, ideas and a conclusion. STRUCTURE
Unit 2 – Embedded Assessment 2 – Writing an Argumentative Essay USE OF LANGUAGE IDEAS Write an essay that supports a claim. Use language to persuade. Unit 2 – EA 2 WRITING AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY STRUCTURE Structure your essay with an introduction, transitions, ideas and a conclusion.
Unit 2 – Embedded Assessment 2 – Writing an Argumentative Essay USE OF LANGUAGE Convey Tone. Persuade an Audience. Command of Conventions Annotated Bibliography IDEAS Write an essay that supports a claim. Use language to persuade. Unit 2 – EA 2 WRITING AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Reasoning and Evidence Evidence of Research Process Address Counterclaim(s) Introduction with Hook and Background Adequate Organizational Structure Transitional Strategies Conclusion that Supports Argument STRUCTURE Structure your essay with an introduction, transitions, ideas and a conclusion.
UNIT 3 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 1 – Presenting Voices of the Holocaust USE OF LANGUAGE UNIT 3 – EA 1 Presenting Voices of the Holocaust IDEAS Use academic language to communicate effectively. Read a text passage and discuss the theme. Give evidence to support your reading. STRUCTURE
UNIT 3 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 1 – Presenting Voices of the Holocaust UNIT 3 – EA 1 Presenting Voices of the Holocaust Use academic language to communicate effectively. Read a text passage and discuss the theme. Evidence of Collaboration and Preparation Follow organizational structure. Transitional Strategies Create cohesion. Clarify relationships. Oral reading of text passage. Explain of literary elements contribute to theme. Elaborate with textual evidence, details, commentary, and questions. Communicate with group and audience. Precise diction and academic language Conventions – Grammar, Usage and Language Give evidence to support your reading.
UNIT 3 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 2 – Presenting a Multimedia Campaign IDEAS STRUCTURE Structure a presentation with evidence, information and a call to action. Create a multimedia presentation to persuade. Communicate using appropriate tone, diction and conventions. UNIT 3 – EA 2 Presenting a Multimedia Campaign USE OF LANGUAGE
UNIT 3 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 2 – Presenting a Multimedia Campaign Evidence of Collaboration and Preparation Introduction that Informs the Audience Embed quotations with transitions Conclusion and Call to Action Target Audience Appropriate Tone Precise Diction Conventions: Grammar, Usage and Language Annotated Bibliography IDEAS STRUCTURE Structure a presentation with evidence, information and a call to action. Create a multimedia presentation to persuade. Support claim. Address counterclaim. Reasons and Evidence from Reliable Sources Persuasive Appeals: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Clarify ideas with multimedia and campaign features. Communicate using appropriate tone, diction and conventions. UNIT 3 – EA 2 Presenting a Multimedia Campaign USE OF LANGUAGE
UNIT 4 – Embedded Assessment 1 – Writing an Analysis of a Humorous Text USE OF LANGUAGE UNIT 4 – EA 1 Writing an Analysis of a Humorous Text Use diction, voice, style and conventions. IDEAS Write an analysis of humor with supporting details. Write an essay with an introduction, conclusion, transitions, and progression of ideas. STRUCTURE
UNIT 4 – Embedded Assessment 1 – Writing an Analysis of a Humorous Text USE OF LANGUAGE Controlling idea about the use of humor to convey a universal truth. Details, Examples and Textual Evidence Commentary to Analyze Humorous Elements Use diction, voice, style and conventions. UNIT 4 – EA 1 Writing an Analysis of a Humorous Text IDEAS Write an analysis of humor with supporting details. Diction maintains appropriate voice and style. Command of conventions: capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage Write an essay with an introduction, conclusion, transitions, and progression of ideas. Introduce the topic and context clearly. Organizational structure progresses logically and connects ideas. Use transitions to create cohesion and connect ideas. Logical Conclusion STRUCTURE
UNIT 4 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 2 – Performing a Shakespearean Comedy Structure Show evidence of planning and an understanding of Shakespeare. Provide an introduction and an ending. Ideas Make choices about the delivery of lines. UNT 4 – EA 2 Performing a Shakespearean Comedy Use of Language
UNIT 4 – EMBEDDED ASSESSMENT 2 – Performing a Shakespearean Comedy Structure Ideas Provide an introduction and an ending. Show evidence of collaboration. Context Introduction Communicate ending to your audience. Show evidence of planning and an understanding of Shakespeare. Make interpretive choices for comic effect and to show meaning. Use punctuation cues. Memorize lines. Demonstrate understanding of Shakespeare’s humor. Use elements of performance to create comedy. Show evidence of planning and rehearsal. Make choices about the delivery of lines. UNT 4 – EA 2 Performing a Shakespearean Comedy Use of Language