Periodic Properties of the Elements All Depend on energies of outermost orbitals Atomic Size Ionization Energy Electron Affinity Ion Size
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Trends in Orbital Energies
Why do energies decrease moving left-to-right?
General Periodic Trends
Which atom is the smallest of all? 1.H 2.He 3.Cs 4.Rn
Which of these atoms is largest? 1.K 2.Ca 3.Rb 4.Sr
Which atom has the largest ionization energy? 1.K 2.Ca 3.Rb 4.Sr
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Which ionization energy for Mg will see the largest jump? 1.1 st 2.2 nd 3.3 rd 4.4 th
Why the breaks in the line?
Which atom has the smallest common ion? 1.H 2.Na 3.F 4.Cl
Which atom has the largest common ion? 1.Na 2.K 3.F 4.Cl
Which of the following isoelectronic species is smallest? 1.Mg 2+ 2.Na + 3.Ne 4.F - 5.O 2-
Which of the following isoelectronic species has the lowest ionization energy? 1.Mg 2+ 2.Na + 3.Ne 4.F - 5.O 2-