OV-1.1 CSE244 CSE244 Programming Language Translation Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Road, Box U-2155 Storrs, CT Web-page: Office: ITEB243 Phone: (860) Counseling Hours: Tuesday 3pm-6pm, Wednesday 5pm-7pm
OV-1.2 CSE244 Course Goals Provide the Theoretical Foundations as well as a Practical Introduction to Compiler Concepts and Their Construction Focus on Both Theory and Practice Theory: Strong Mathematical Basis of Compilers Practice: Experimental Framework for Illustrating Theory
OV-1.3 CSE244 Course Philosophy Introduction to Fundamental Compiler Concepts Understand the rich theoretical basis for Compiler Construction. Promotion of Knowledge-Acquisition, Self- Learning, and Independence Experiment with New Programming Tools. Rapid Evolution of Computing Always Must Keep Skills Up-to-Date Practical Exposure to Compiler Writing Tools
OV-1.4 CSE244 Textbooks and Class Materials Class Text (UConn COOP): Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, Aho, et al., Addison-Wesley, 1988 Also: lex and yacc, 2nd edition, Levine, et al., O’Reilly, but you can also use the web. CSE244 Web Site at … Course Notes will be available On-Line Check the web-site FREQUENTLY for announcements and other material. The web-site will be our prime means of communication. Other Class Materials Software Download. PC Versions of Lex and Yacc
OV-1.5 CSE244 Weekly Topic Coverage 1.5 Wks: Introduction/Overview Ch 1,2 1.5 Wks: Lexical Analysis & Language Theory Ch 3 2.5 Wks: Top-Down Parsing Ch 3.5 Wks: Bottom-Up Parsing Ch 2.5 Wks: Syntax Directed Translation Ch 5, 4.9 1.5 Wks: Type Checking, Run- Ch 6 Time Environment, Ch 7 Code Generation, & Ch 8 Optimization Ch 9, 10
OV-1.6 CSE244Grading Weight System. Projects - Small Teams (weight = 0.45) Three Programming Projects (0.08, 0.12, 0.25) Exams (weight = 0.45) Midterm+Final (0.15, 0.30) Closed Book and Closed Notes Some non-programming Homeworks (weight = 0.10) Spread throughout the Semester when important theoretical material is presented. Final grade is based on an Index number that is calculated by summing the scaled and weighted number grades for each assignment. Final Letter Grades are assigned using Comparative Performance + Common Sense (note: my common sense).
OV-1.7 CSE244 Course Projects Will Utilize Compiler Writing Tools Lex/Yacc Almost No Discussion of Projects in Class. Self-Learning and Knowledge Acquisition. Usage of lex/yacc manuals. For each project you will hand-in… Project Topics will be …
OV-1.8 CSE244Cheating/Collaboration Not Tolerated in Any Form. Severe Penalties are Likely. See University of Connecticut Student Conduct Code All Homeworks/Some Projects Represent Individual Effort (or if team work is assigned they represent the collaborative efforts of the team’s members) Cooperative Problem Solving and Sharing Code is NOT Permitted and Will Likely Lead to Fs! Use chmod on Unix / Linux and Take Files with you on Local NTs to Protect Your Account.
OV-1.9 CSE244 Lateness Policies/Exams Late Assignments (Homeworks/Projects) will be Accepted with Penalties. No penalties will apply only to students who obtain prior permission. Prior Permission: Contact the Instructor Three Days Before the Due Date Emergencies: Illness, Death in the Family, etc. Contact BY OR via the CSE Office, ITEB250. Assignment is due in the Start of Class of the Due date!!! Makeup on Absent Exam at Instructor’s Discretion (and only in case of an emergency, see above)
OV-1.10 CSE244 Class Attendance and Computing Attendance in Class is … Responsibility of each Student May Result in Missing Hint/Clarification/Error on Class Project Change in Due Date or Exam Date No guarantee that all Information will make it to the Web-site Computing for Class is … Any Platform that runs the Compiler Writing Tools + a C Compiler (Unix, Windows, Linux, …) Computing at School: never rely on System back-ups. Take Files always with You! (especially for Windows-based systems). Your Responsibility to Protect Your Files