Christianity Jesus = Joshua (Name) Jesus: a Jewish teacher (rabbi) Christianity: 32% of world population 80% of U.S. (approximately 1/3 are non-practicing)


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Presentation transcript:

Christianity Jesus = Joshua (Name) Jesus: a Jewish teacher (rabbi) Christianity: 32% of world population 80% of U.S. (approximately 1/3 are non-practicing)

Gospels/Apostles Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Part history, part faith testimony Not biography or contemporary journalism Apostles – messengers (Peter, Paul, etc.)

Bible Christian Bible: Old Testament (39 books) + New Testament (27 books) 66 Books in all

Early Christianity Christians faced severe persecution from Romans in the early days Torture, poverty, loss of property While Christianity emphasizes love and forgiveness, the mysteries of interpreting Jesus led to violent internal conflicts

Fortunes Change 312 C.E. Roman General Constantine converted to Christianity to help him win a battle and then became Emperor of all of the Roman Empire Outlawed persecution of Christians

Around 400 C.E. - Rome fell, leaving a leadership void in Europe. The Christian Popes filled the void and began to gain political power, not just religious authority

Schism: a division with a church. A schism developed between East & West Christianity - 2 separate Christian churches arose in 1054 C.E. Latin Christianity (later called Roman Catholicism) Eastern Orthodox

Crusades Crusades: military conflicts initiated by European powers (ordered by the Pope) in the 11th - 13th centuries. Goal of Crusades: gain control of lands where Jesus lived (modern-day Israel) these lands were under Muslim control - proselytizing or murdering Christians gained control of the lands in 1099, but were eventually repelled

Proselytize: to induce someone to convert

Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation Luther opposed the excesses and luxuries of the clergy & papacy. He posted his complaints and suggestions (the 95 Theses) for reform on doors of churches. The Protestant Reformation followed - the split between Catholicism and future Christian denominations (Lutheran, Calvinism, Presbyterian, Baptists, etc.)

Luther's revolutionary insistence on direct & personal communication with God, unmediated by a Priest Indulgence: letter of pardon from Catholic Church - another motivating force of the Protestaant Reformation

Catholicism & Protestantism Catholicism – Group Autonomy Acknowledgement of and participation in certain sacraments: baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist (communion), confession

Acceptance of the church as the complete source of divine revelation Acknowledgement of the authority of the pope & bishops (Jesus set forth the "apostolic succession" - the succession of popes, bishops, cardinals.)

Protestantism Respect for individual experience Lay believers (everyday members of the faiths) have the same access to God as the clergy

Most Protestant churches reject the notion of clerical celibasy Justification (entry to heaven) does not come through good deeds or mediation of the church - it comes simply through faith in Christ and belief in the Bible

Christianity & the Afterlife Book of Revelation promises the Second Coming of Jesus - the Day of Judgment for all living and dead Heaven - life's supreme reward Hell - place for horrific punishment Catholics believe in "purgatory"