Representation, Reapportionment & Redistricting
Free-Write Write a short essay discussing what constitutes good representation, in your mind. What characteristics of a representative would make you feel like he or she should do a good job representing you and your interests? What behavior should a good representative engage in? When, if ever, should a representative put his constituents’ interests aside and think of the greater good? You will turn this essay in for participation credit.
Values associated with representation Symbolic representation Representative-as-delegate Representative as agent Communication with constituents
Reapportionment When the federal government reallocates seats in the House of Representatives among the states after the decennial census
Gains and losses due to 2000 reapportionment Gains –CA (+1) –AZ (+2) –CO (+1) –FL (+2) –GA (+2) –NV (+1) –TX (+2) Losses –CT (-1) –NY (-2) –IL (-1) –IN (-1) –MI (-1) –OH (-1) –OK (-1) –PA (-2) –WI (-1)
Redistricting When states redraw congressional district boundaries after decennial census Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)
What criteria should states use in deciding where to draw district lines?
Conflicting Values Contiguity of boundaries (requirement) Equal population (requirement) Compactness Communities of interest Protecting interests of racial minorities Keeping existing districts intact Maximizing partisan representation