Micro Op SYS (DOS) Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
2 Hardware Four Categories –CPU (Central Processing Unit) –Primary Storage (RAM) –Input/Output Devices Keyboard Mouse Monitor Printer –Secondary Storage (Drives)
3 SOFTWARE Two Categories –System Software Operating Systems –DOS, Win3.x, Win9x, WinNT, Win2000, WinXp, Win2003, Unix, Linux, MAC, OS2, Longhorn Utility Support Programs –Norton, Macafe, etc.
4 SOFTWARE (cont) –Application Software Eight Categories –Word Processing –Spreadsheet –Database Management –Communications –Mathematical Molding –Graphics –Games –Software Development Tools
5 Drive Layout Fragmentation Master Boot Record (MBR) File Allocation Table (FAT) Root Directory Directory Sub-Directory
7 DOS File Naming Convention D:\Test\filename.ext [drive] [path] [filename] [extension] Filename → Max of 8 characters Extension → Max of 3 characters Example: A:\test\dos\project.doc
8 Extensions Executable files –BAT – batch file –COM – program file <64KB –EXE – program file >64KB Text files –BAK – Backup text file –BAS – BASIC file –DAT – Data File –DBF – dBase file –DOC – Documentation file –HLP – Help file –INI – Initialization file –PRN – Printer file –SYS – System ASCII file –TXT – Text file Other files –DEF – Program setup file –FON – Font file –GIF – Graphics image file –OVL – Overlay file –PIF – Program information file –SYS – System binary file –TIF – TIFF graphic image file –WKI – Lotus worksheet file –WPG – WordPerfect graphic file –XLS – Excel file
9 Wildcards Two types –Asterisk (*) Representing a group of one or more characters –Question Mark (?) Representing only a single character Used a lot with the DIR command for narrower searching
10 DOS Commands Internal –Frequently used and/or relatively small DOS commands loaded into RAM when the system is booted External –Reside on the DOS disk –Must be copied into RAM each time they are executed
11 Some DOS Commands DATE TIME HELP –Help DATE –Date /? Format –Switches: /S – make bootable /V – add a volume label /Q – quick format /F – floppy disk size /U - unconditional
12 Internal DOS Commands Frequently used and/or relatively small DOS commands loaded into RAM when the system is booted
13 DOS Commands CLS REN VER
14 DOS Commands (cont) COPY –copy filename.ext a:filename.ext –Can use wildcards Copy *.* a:*.* DEL –del filename.ext –Can use wildcards del *.*
15 DOS Commands (cont) TYPE –Allows you to view the contains inside of a file without having to open another program
16 External DOS Commands Reside on the DOS disk Must be copied into RAM each time they are executed
17 DOS Commands LABEL CHKDSK (after DOS6.2 SCANDISK) DISKCOPY –Must be the same size UNDELETE
18 DOS Commands (cont) ATTRIB –attrib ±A ±H ±R ±S a:filename.ext –attrib a:*.* XCOPY –Similar to COPY but allows you to include subdirectories –/s must be used to copy subdirectories
19 DOS Disk Commands CD or CHDIR MD or MKDIR RD or RMDIR
20 DOS Disk Commands (cont) TREE DELTREE PROMPT
21 DOS Disk Commands (cont) MOVE PROMPT –$t – system time –$d – system date –$n – default drive –$g – the > character –$_ - “new line” command (to skip a line) –$p – default disk and current directory
22 DOS Disk Commands (cont) PATH –Path c:\;c:\dos;a:\