By: Dan Keach
End war by pulling troops out. Encouraging Iraq leaders to take responsibility for their future by spending their oil profits on rebuilding their country I think that is a great idea, we have to stop spending money on rebuilding a country that we partially destroyed and start spending money in our own country instead.
Tax cuts for working families ($500 per person- $1000 per working family) Tax relief for small businesses to provoke hiring and hopefully open up more job opportunities Excellent idea, but will businesses hire more people or just pocket the money that they will save
Create 5 million jobs by investing $150 billion over the next 10 years to find a renewable source of clean energy Manufacture and distribute 1 million plug-in hybrid cars that can get up to 150mpg by 2015 Start a cap-and-trade program to reduce green house gases by 80% by 2050 I think these are all wonderful ideas. However, I’m not too sure they are going to be that affective in that 2015 and 2050 are out of his term. Also, oil companies will loose a lot of money so they may not let the hybrid idea take place.
Make health care affordable to all by reducing the cost by $2500 per family by investing in health information technology. Good the more we know about our health, the less we’ll have to pay for uncertainties.
Our roads, highways, and railroads are decaying Obama plans to think ahead by making them stronger so they last longer and we don’t have to spend so much money repairing them all the time That’s the ticket. We see everywhere, potholes and huge cracks in the streets that can cause wear and tear on tires or even cause accidents. If we build longer lasting, stronger roads, highways, and railroads we can rest easy for a while