Practical English (2) : Advanced Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang Course Code: A8227340 School of Management Time: 09:20-12:10 Date: April 10, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Practical English (2) : Advanced Instructor: Dr. Yi-Cheng Huang Course Code: A School of Management Time: 09:20-12:10 Date: April 10, 2008

Course Description of Today 1. Important Announcement 2. Section I: Chapter 1, Unit 7 (Health: Successful Dieting) 3. Section II: Chapter 1, Unit 7(Health: Successful Dieting) 4. Section III: Review 5. Roll Call

Important Announcement 1 NETPW (網路全民英檢) National English Test in Proficiency for All on the Web 1 測驗時間: 4 月 17 號, 11:00-12:20 2 集合時間: 4 月 17 號, 10:30 (必點名) 3 集合與測驗地點:第二電腦教室 4 務必攜帶學生證或任何身份證明證件 5 目的:英語能力檢測以及作為二年級英語聽 講實習課分班之依據 6 4 月 9 號或 10 號之後,通識中心網頁上會有 網路全民英檢的模擬題庫,學生題庫的密碼 為「 best123 」,屆時便可上線做練習。

Important Announcement 2 The Activities of the “ English Community Center ” Please refer to the following websites: 1 ( php?dept_mno=84201&dept_id=14&page_i d=4429) php?dept_mno=84201&dept_id=14&page_i d=

Important Announcement 3 About Your Mid-Term Exam Date: April 24 1 Translation 2 Vocabulary 3 Choice (including reading comprehension) 4 Fill in the Blanks 5 * Reading Test 6 * Short Answer

Before You Read 1 do you have regularly scheduled mealtimes at home? 2 do you eat meals with family or friends at least once a day? 3 do you plan snacks? 4 do you tailor portion sizes to your needs? 5 do you eat three meals every day? 6 do you try to make mealtimes enjoyable?

Before You Read 7 do you not feel forced to eat everything on you plate? 8 do you make meals last more than 15 minutes? 9 do you eat only in designated areas of the house? 10 do you avoid using food to reward yourself? 11 do you enjoy physical activities once or twice a week?

Paragraph 1 1 forum (n): a place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues 2 diet: a. your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat; b. if you are on a diet, you eat special kinds of foods or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight 3 veteran: having a lot of experience in a job, profession

Paragraph 1 4 keep off (something) = keep ( 代名詞 ) off: stay at a distance 5 fad (n): a fashion that lasts a short time 6 carbohydrate (n): any of a group of nutrients, such as sugar and starch, that provide the body with energy 7 cabbage

Paragraph 2 1 do the trick (v): to work, to be effective 2 fed up with (adj.) annoyed or angry about a bad situation that has existed for a long time, frustrated, disgusted 3 solution (n): a solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed 4 portion: a small piece or section of a larger thing

Paragraph 2 5 fix (v): if you fix something for someone, you arrange for it to happen or you organise it for them 6 moderate (adj.): in the middle, not large or small, modest

Paragraph 3 1 pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, etc) 2 dessert (n): dessert is something sweet that you eat at the end of a meal 3 refined (adj.): a refined substance has been made pure by having other substances removed from it 4 calorie (n): calories are units of measurement for the energy value of food 5 cracker, oatmeal 6 fiber: the part of a plant taken in as food that cannot be absorbed by the body

Paragraph 4 1 clinic (n): a clinic is a building where people go to receive medical advice or treatment 2 pattern (n): a pattern is the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is done 3 counselor, counsellor (n): a counselor is a person whose job is to give advice to people who need it, especially advice on their personal problems 4 alternate (v): to move or switch back and forth

Paragraph 5 and 6 1 vegetarian (n): someone who never eats meat 2 benefit (n): the benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results form it 3 cut down (on + something): if you cut down on something or cut down something, you consume or do less of it 4 appreciation (n): your appreciation for something that someone does for you is your gratitude for it

Assignment for Next Week I ’ ll Meet You in the Second Computer Classroom at 14:40 Next Thursday (April 17). Please Be on Time Please Be Well-Prepared for Your Mid- Term Exam (April 24)

Please Contact Me via the Following Ways Website: Office: 1406A (4 th Floor, Administration Building) Extension: 5252 Office Hour: Tuesday: 2,3,4 and 5; Wednesday: 2, 3, 4 and 5 ( By Appointment )