STAAR Overview Webinar 1 of 2 Recorded July 6, 2011 Jennifer Drumm Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Ed Vara, Deputy Executive Director, Academic Services
Webinar Information This webinar is recorded with the intent of providing foundational information in preparation for STAAR implementation. 2
New STAAR assessments will be implemented in the school year
GradeReadingMathWritingScienceSocial Studies STAAR 3-8
STAAR End-of-Course Beginning with Freshman Class of 2011 English I English II English III World Geography World History United States History Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Biology Chemistry Physics
STAAR –Significantly more rigorous (more items and high level of reasoning) –Focus on preparation for high school and advanced coursework Shift the goal from HS Graduation to College and Career Success –Assessment of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) at a greater depth and complexity –Possibly more student measures Linked vertically to determine student growth
STAAR Challenges –More items per assessment –More assessment days per calendar year –EOC – students may re-test for any reason –EOC – score will be used as 15% of the final grade for a course
STAAR STAAR will focus on “clearer, fewer, and deeper”. –Provide a more clearly articulated assessment program –Focus on fewer skills –Address those skills in a deeper manner 8
College and Career Ready Connection Goal: Texas to become one of the top ten states for graduating college-ready students by the 2019–2020 school year 9
STAAR EOC Assessments English III and Algebra II assessments will include a performance standard that indicates college readiness. Research will be conducted to investigate a college-readiness component for science and social studies EOC assessments. 10
STAAR Graduation Requirements Freshman class of 2011–2012 is first group to have EOC assessments as part of their graduation requirement. All 12 EOC assessments will be available in 2011–2012 in both online and paper modes. 11
TAKS to STAAR Plan for phase-out of TAKS and phase-in of STAAR – – – – – –2016 GR 3–8TAKS STAAR GR 9TAKS STAAR GR 10TAKS STAAR GR 11TAKS STAAR GR 12 & Out-of-School Students TAKS STAAR or TAKS STAAR or TAKS
STAAR Proposed Testing in Spring 2012 First-time grade 9 students will need to take the following STAAR EOC assessments for courses in which they are enrolled. –English I, English II, English III –Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II –Biology, Chemistry, Physics –World Geography, World History, U.S. History These students will not take TAKS grade 9 tests as these tests will not be available. 13
STAAR Proposed Testing in Spring 2012 Repeating grade 9 students may take the following STAAR EOC assessments (online only) for courses in which they are enrolled. –Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II –Biology, Chemistry, Physics –World Geography, World History, U.S. History Testing repeating grade 9 students with STAAR EOC assessments is a district option. These students will not take TAKS grade 9 tests as these tests will not be available. 14
Accessing Information 15 ESC Region XIII staff are dedicated to providing information you need:
TEA has published the House Bill 3 Transition Plan to assist with understanding the transition between TAKS and STAAR. ESC Region XIII has created a guide to this plan to assist in location of information and district planning Accessing Information
17 TEA Document links
Accessing Information 18 Assessed Curriculum & Blueprint Documents
Accessing Information 19 ESC Developed Resources
Accessing Information 20 ESC Developed Parent Resources
Webinar Information STAAR Overview Webinar 2 August 8, 2011: Instructional Leadership – Planning for STAAR Webinar Series: Instructional Leadership – Planning for STAAR 21
Self-Check When does STAAR begin? Which students will take STAAR? What is the relationship between EOCs and STAAR? How is STAAR different from TAKS? What are your next steps? 23
Questions???? Ed Vara, or (512) Jennifer Drumm, or (512)