OPIM 204.H90 Operations Management (OM) Matt Dean
Ground Rules Mobile Phones = OFF Come prepared for class Respect your classmates
Syllabus Quizzes = 20% 2 exams, each 25% Final Exam = 30% Office Hours: TBD Questions?
Questions During Class Ask questions at anytime, provided you agree that my answer may be one of the following: –We’ll discuss that later –Let’s take that offline –I don’t know
Introductions Name Year in school/Background Why are you here? What do you expect to learn from this course? Favorite movie
What is OM? What is an “operation”? –Transformation process? Where are operations found? The book’s defn of OM: –The design, operation, and improvement of productive systems –So what’s the defn of “productive”?
Operations Function Operations Marketing Finance and Accounting Human Resources Outside Suppliers
Why Study OM? How do you make decisions? How do you make things “better”? How do you measure performance?
Major Areas of OM Production –Manufacturing of widgets Service –An experience –High customer contact –Often perishable
Course Objectives Gain an appreciation of strategic importance of operations in a global business environment Understand how operations relates to other business functions Develop a working knowledge of concepts and methods related to designing and managing operations Develop a skill set for quality and process improvement
Homework Find at least two different organizations/societies that represent the interests of OM professionals Skim Chapter 1 Read Chapter 2