MICE Control Issues Paul Drumm ~ Monday August 1 st 2004
Please Note that… I am not a controls expert nor am I volunteering for the job… but... –I want to highlight a need –And get agreement –On a scheme and a way forward…
Local Control System ISIS machine Controls group - Vsystems ISIS experimental computing group –“Ray of light” Diamond –EPICS/VME DL –EPICS
Local Control System ISIS machine Controls group –6 people; hardware & software –Responsible for ISIS running (machine physics, upgrades) & 2 nd target station control system –System based on ethernet ISIS experimental computing group
ISIS Machine Cycle Magnet current 20mS 0 Δp 1000 Δp 2000 Δp 3000 Δp 3999 Δp MSMS Accelerate Inject Extract Permanent timing pulses MS: Machine Start. 2.5μS pulse every 20mS at 0Δp Δp:Delta-p train. Square wave - 5μS period These primary signals are phase locked to the magnet current/field waveform.
Control Issues MICE can benefit from –Commonality! (unspecified) Compatibility issues Support Maintenance Overheads –Commercial software/in-house? –Coordination
Who is doing what? AFC RF Power RF Cavity Data Acquisition Beam Line Magnets & Power supplies Parameter list, MAC: CERN collaboration meeting
What is Missing? Organisation & Coordination!