Learning Styles: What’s Your Preference?
Presentation Overview ► Define perceptual learning styles ► Describe characteristics of learning styles ► Identify suggestions for students ► Identify suggestions for educators ► Results from study
Learning Style A biologically and developmentally imposed set of personal characteristics that make the same teaching methods effective for some and ineffective for others A biologically and developmentally imposed set of personal characteristics that make the same teaching methods effective for some and ineffective for others
Perceptual Learning Styles Auditory Haptic Visual
Characteristics of Auditory Learners ► Read aloud ► Discuss things for better understanding ► Prefer hearing a lecture ► Easily follow a speaker ► Hard to picture things ► Prefer to do oral reports
Characteristics of Haptic Learners ► Study better with music ► Need frequent breaks ► Move around when studying ► Use fingers to count ► Dislike proofreading ► Daydream ► Prefer projects
Characteristics of Visual Learners ► Remember if write down ► Visualize pictures in head ► Take many notes ► Look at person speaking ► Understand map, charts and graphs ► Can “see” notes when testing
Suggestions for Auditory Learners Study with someone Read and recite aloud Record lectures and notes
Suggestions for Haptic Learners Study on stomach or back Take frequent breaks Bounce leg or squeeze ball Walk around while reciting Use a stationary bike
Suggestions for Visual Learners Write things down Study alone Copy notes Use color Select seat away from doors
Suggestions for Educators ► Utilize variety of instructional methods ► Create awareness in students ► Be aware of characteristics
Recent Study of Freshmen ► Support program ► Varied backgrounds ► Investigate Preferred learning style Differences in learning style based on race Differences in learning style based on gender
Learning Channel Preference Checklist ► Lynn O’Brien ► Self-reporting questionnaire ► Thirty-six items ► 5-point Likert scale ► Three perceptual learning styles
Preferred Learning Style
Learning Style by Race
Learning Style by Gender