Comparing Post-Reconnection Energetic Electron and Ion Signatures in Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere and Near the Sun Harlan E. Spence and Nathan A. Schwadron.


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing Post-Reconnection Energetic Electron and Ion Signatures in Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere and Near the Sun Harlan E. Spence and Nathan A. Schwadron Boston University Center for Space Physics

RHESSI observations (2003) spatially-resolve for first time the locations of electron and ion acceleration in solar flares Comparison of ion (neutron capture) and electron (bremsstrahlung) proxies reveals dislocation of accelerated electron and ion populations near the Sun

Excerpts from Hurford’s discovery paper Solar limb Ion sites (circles) Electron sites (contours)

Initial RHESSI results affirmed in Hurford et al.’s (2006) publication Three additional flares possess similar accelerated electron/ion location phenomenology

Gradient/curvature drift separation explored and rejected Displacements still not adequately explained

Inner magnetosphere substorm injections have similar phenomenology Phenomena has been well studies observationally and recently through MHD modeling and test particle simulation

Birn et al.’s (1997, 1998) simulations reproduce observed features well Earthward collapsing field lines Noon-midnight meridian Electrons displaced to east Ions displaced to west

Substorm Life Cycle