Shaping the Future of Social Protection: Access, Financing and Solidarity Panel 3 – Pension system reform Thirty-first session of ECLAC Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2006
To strengthen pension system coverage, the region must address: Population ageing and low pension coverage Segmented and financially compromised contributory systems Non- contributory systems with financing difficulties
Pension systems reform agenda (1) Expand coverage through the non- contributory component Targeted pensions can halve poverty among over-65s at an average cost of 0.9% of GDP Reforms of contributory systems: Contributory solidarity Financial viability Discretionary parametric reforms Notional accounts
Pension systems reform agenda (2) Individual capitalization should be regarded as supplementary Different arrangements, transition costs Industrial organization Work towards unification of pension systems Promote equity by standardizing and unifying benefits Enable portability of benefits, thus facilitating labour mobility