Social Building social capital for the children? Do children need social media? How can mobile media enhance social interaction in family? How do children share? Empowerment Social networking dynamics & children Mapping of social rules (family) onto device behavior Social influence on the use of technology
Family ties & communication awareness Something for both the child and the parent Connectedness togetherness Peer-friend support How can families ensure that devices understand family values, roles and appropriate behavior How can mobile apps / services strengthen family ties How to assist ”building trust” / ”trusted communications” between kids and parents How to support strong interaction between family members scattered around the world? How mobile technology merges with the surrounding environment (including family members) seamlessly? Awareness Mobile in multi-generation households Children’s needs from parents? How can mobile technology allow children to know more about their parents? Family as a communications unit (special characteristics, family > sum of its parts) Intimacy Family awareness What is the role of context awareness og shaping children’s mobile behavior? Social media solutions to support communication between teenagers & parents Should devices know their owners / users – how? How o use social media for family interaction? What should parents know about mobiles & online behaviors – what should they not know? Increase family time / closeness
Children's skills & culture & self- perception What are special user experiences children appreciate on mobiles? Downside of mediating separation or using technology to to mediate separation Cultural differences on the use of technology Children with special needs Sense of self Do children need to learn handwriting Children’s digital culture, how to enhance and how to store? What are the senses children use most (per age)? Mobile technology as a mirror of the ’mobile’ life of children?
Risk management Risks vs. harm? Risk coping & management Should parents support ”informed” risk-taking? How to identify the youth at most risk and how to reach and inform their parents / caretakers What are the most critical online risks to try to minimize or increase parents’ awareness Let children to have closed communication? Proportion between mobile exposure to risk and experience of harm? Different experience of harm? Different experience of known risks when encountered on mobile + new risks we haven’t identified? How to prevent risks of mobile access Children-parent interaction => nature and components of trust Gameholic Playful system to learn online coping skills for children
Privacy & security Are online family tree services secure? How to balance between risk management and privacy in family? Is parental monitoring Different ”ages” => when should we protect kids from their parents? Kids privacy & parents’ awareness Children's’ (also very young) experience of privacy rights?
Monitoring & Mediation Parental monitoring Mediation parent-child Benefits of parental control software Why are parental controls used? Monitoring Mediation child-child Parents’ opportunity to know about children’s mobile + online activities + change of mediation / guiding? Digital monitoring trough mobiles => trust & risk Can we do without parental controls (on mobile devices)? Control vs. Mediation Development of new ways of dealing with harmful content & conduct without filters & surveillance How to strike the right balance between parental awareness of online risks and parents’ ability to see the opportunities What does protection mean? Peer monitoring
Learning What kind of mobile learning solutions for children are fun & efficient? Should we be reshaping education & educational environments to account for evolving ways children learn? ICT & pedagogical methods Media creativity, what is it and how to enhance it? Resistance to change among teachers Disconnects between the ways children learn the skills they need and formal education Current communication solutions are hierarchical & vertical (school – family – children)
Approaches and methods How should we co-desing with kids of different ages
Interactions and concepts Easy sharing methods (interface) for children Multiple people in evolving roles, older sibligns Family memorabilia Is increased interactons qulitatively positive? Children as digital natives and the use of emotional interaction Emotional awarness What roles will app and widget-based interactions have in shaping mobile use? Tactility vs. Virtuality Better than tv / pc? Children access only what they like to see / hear How to help / support seniors by suing smartphone technology Robustness Family wall Collocated pracices Mobiles: small device -> small internet? Group vs soletary use of technology Different perception of internet when accessed from mobile? When do children’s devices & interfaces & services beging to resemble those of adults? Should they differ? With the expansion of internet based activities across devices, weill the role of the mobile change?