Administrator Overview
1.As you may already know, our district recently purchased a subscription to SafeSchools, the leading safety training and compliance tracking system specifically designed for school employees. 2.We now have access to more than 125 school- specific online courses that address Environmental, Health, Human Resources, Information Technology, Nutrition Services, Social & Behavioral, Special Education and Transportation safety issues. 3.As an administrator, you are able to assign your employees courses online, which they can access from any computer with an Internet connection. 4.Course completions are all tracked conveniently in one administrative system. 5.Using SafeSchools, our district will save valuable time and be able to manage compliance easily! What is SafeSchools? Why SafeSchools? 100% school-focused training 1,000,000+ course completions per year 125+ online courses 40 of the nation’s foremost school-safety authors 2,000 district customers nationwide, and growing
1.SafeSchools will help our district save an average of $36.00 per employee per year: 10% Reduction in Workers’ Comp Costs 10% Reduction in Liability Insurance Costs Half-Hour Reduction in Overtime Per Employee 2% Reduction in Legal Fees Offset Expense for Other Training Programs 2.SafeSchools gives us the flexibility to train as a group or individually – we can decide what method works best for us. 3.SafeSchools is easy to use and very user-friendly so all staff members can use the program successfully. 4.And, your employees will be able to train at school or at home with any Internet enabled computer, whenever it’s convenient for your schedule. Benefits of Online Training Why SafeSchools? 100% school-focused training 1,000,000+ course completions per year 125+ online courses 40 of the nation’s foremost school-safety authors 2,000 district customers nationwide, and growing
1.Login Instructions 2.Training Area 3.Admin Area 4.Creating a Training Plan 5.Maintaining Employee Data 6.Course Features 7.Running Reports 8.Automatic Notification 9.Help Resources 10.Contact Information Today’s Agenda “This program is indispensable. It’s like having a team of school safety experts on retainer to train our staff.” Tom Hamilton Training Coordinator Archuleta School District 50, CO
Access Your SafeSchools Site 1.From any computer with an Internet connection, using your web browser, go to (insert your district’s SafeSchools’ site url here). 2.Enter your username below in the “username” field (located in the lower, left-hand corner of the screen). Because you are an administrator, the system will also prompt you to enter a password. This defaults to the first five characters of your username. Presenter, please type your district’s SafeSchools’ URL here.
The Training Area 1.The first screen you will see after logging into SafeSchools is referred to as the Training Area. This is where all mandatory and suggested course assignments will appear for employees. Administrators in the SafeSchools site will have access to the Admin Area, which can be viewed by clicking on the link in the top center of the page.
The Admin Area 1.In the Admin Area, SafeSchools administrators can assign courses, run compliance reports, edit employee information, and perform a number of different administrative functions within the system. 2.This area is organized by a series of tabs. The first of these tabs is the Dashboard. 3.The Dashboard tab is simply a visual report representing course assignments and completions over time.
Creating a Training Plan 1.Group assignments are created in the Training Plan tab. 2.To create a new assignment, click on the New Assignment button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. 3.Next, fill in the missing information under the column headings by clicking over the empty boxes underneath each field, moving from left to right. 4.Courses can be assigned to any combination of positions and buildings. To expand to the full list of positions and buildings when creating an assignment, be sure to click on the greater than sign (>) next to your district’s name.
Creating a Training Plan 5.After filling in the desired position/building combination, click on the empty box under the Course heading. Courses are organized by category. After selecting the course you are interested in assigning, be sure to place a check mark next to the appropriate version. Once the version has been checked, click the “X” in the upper right hand corner to return to the Training Plan screen.
Creating a Training Plan 6.Next fill in the dates. The Effective Date is typically the same day that the assignment is created. Employees can access the assignment on this date. The Due Date is the date you want the assignment to be completed by. The Expiration Date is when the assignment can no longer be accessed. This gives employees a bit of a grace period to complete assignments once they become past-due. All three dates need to be filled in for the assignment to be complete. 6.The last step in creating an assignment is to check the Published box. If you want to suggest the training, rather than mandate it, check both the Optional and Published boxes. Once the Published box is checked, the assignment is complete and will appear in your employees’ training plans.
Maintaining Employee Data 1.Employee data is stored in the Data Management tab of the Admin Area. Here, administrators can update employee information, add new employees to the system, deactivate employees who are no longer with the district, create individual assignments, and check on individual employees’ progress. 2.To enter a new employee into the SafeSchools system, click on the person icon with a green plus sign, located in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.
Maintaining Employee Data 3.After clicking over the New Employee icon, a New Hire form will appear. Only fields with a red asterisk to the right of them are required to be filled in. 4.Once the information has been entered, click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen and the new employee will be immediately added to your employee data.
Maintaining Employee Data 5.To remove an employee from the system, search for their information by typing their first or last name in the search bar at the top of the screen. 6.Next, click the Deactivate button in the lower left hand corner of their profile.
Course Features 1.All SafeSchools courses can be previewed in the Courses tab of the Admin Area. 2.To remove the quiz requirement for a course simply uncheck the box under the Quiz Required column. Quiz minimums can be changed by clicking over the default of 80% and typing in the desired percentage. 3.SafeSchools offers the option to add a Coordinator for every course. The coordinator’s name and contact information will appear at the bottom of the screen while a course is running, so that employees have someone to contact with questions. To add a Course Coordinator, click on the Coordinator icon under the Coordinators column heading in the courses tab and follow the prompts. 4.Another feature in the Courses tab is the Policy Builder tool. This tool allows schools to create and assign custom district-specific courses withtheir specific district policies.
Running Reports 1.The Reports tab allows administrators to run a variety of compliance reports, detailing who has and has not completed their mandated trainings. These reports can be exported directly to Excel by clicking over the Excel icons. Reports can be filtered by any combination of position, building and course.
Automatic Notification 1.The Preferences tab is home to our Automatic Notification feature. Once activated, this feature automatically sends out s to all employees with active, incomplete, mandatory assignments. 2.To turn on Automatic Notification, simply choose the frequency at which you would like the s to be sent out (once a week, every two weeks, once a month, or every two months) and click the Activate Auto- button. 3.A sample can be previewed by clicking the Preview button. 4.The Recent s button lists the most recent 100 s that have been sent out.
Help Resources 1.The last tab in the Admin Area is known as the Help tab. This tab is home to our Help Tutorials, Resources and Best Practice Videos. 2.Our Help Tutorials are straightforward how-to videos, which address our most frequently asked questions. Simply click over the title to view the tutorial. View a Tutorial
Help Resources 1.The Resources Area in the Help tab provides administrators with a number of implementation handouts and printable resources. 2.Our Best Practice Videos are short, informational videos that include insider tips and tricks on getting the most out of the program. Resources Best Practice Videos
“SafeSchools strengthens our district’s Risk Control strategy. By training all levels of staff, we have effectively reduced our overall cost of compliance in this area.” Robert K. Dwan Chief Financial Officer Millington Schools, MI Thank YOU! 1.Thank you for helping to make our SafeSchools Implementation a success! 2.Using SafeSchools, our trainings will now be more interactive and engaging! 3.And, we’ll save valuable time and money too! 4.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me with the contact information below! “ In the first year I have been able to reduce my workers’ comp claims by 18%, saving the district thousands of dollars. The system pays for itself…and then some! ” Cathy Tyner Former Benefits Coordinator Darlington County, SC Sarah Stephens Account Manager x7003