ORIENTATION Industrial & Systems Engineering Dr. R. L. Bulfin
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Dean Stephen McFarland They make MOST of the rules –Dates, forms, etc Grad School web site – calendar for important dates forms you need to turn in Official “rules” READ the Grad School Bulletin it is online
INSY PEOPLE Dr. Alice Smith, Department Chair Dr. Robert Bulfin, Graduate Coordinator Melissa Gowans, Student Advisor Staff –Barbara Swanson, Jane Goff, Linda Pitchford Faculty (13) Graduate students (about 70) Undergraduate students (about 120)
INFORMATION INSY web site – –Course schedules –Graduate Core courses –General info on the department, faculty etc. Department mail box (faculty & students) –Room 203A - may share with another student
COMPUTER ACCESS/ Get an engineering network computer account after registration (103 L-Building) Sign up for INSY Grad Student list – There is an “official” AU address different from the engineering one – –forward mail from here to address you use!
RESEARCH ETHICS It is important to follow accepted research practices –NO PLAGIARISM Tiger Cub defines this as cheating (p89) Must use quotes and reference source For other ethics violations, see the following website for more info
DEGREES MISE - At least core courses, 9 hours electives, design project, oral exam MISE/MBA - Same as MISE plus MBA courses MS - At least core courses, 6 hours electives, thesis, oral exam PhD - At least core courses, areas of specialization, general exam, dissertation, oral exam (> 60 hours)
JOINT MISE/MBA PROGRAM We have a joint program for the two degrees Take the required MISE courses plus an additional 24 hours (see ( Must be admitted to both programs –need only take one of GRE/GMAT No specific timing of the courses as long as prerequisites are followed. Special Plan of Study for the joint program
BACKGROUND We assume you have the equivalent of an undergraduate IE degree Calculus based prob/stat (STAT 3600/3610) Operations Research (INSY 3400/3410) Engineering Economy (INSY 3600) Other background (prod/mfg sys, ergo, etc.) often can be picked up as you go
CORE COURSES Fall Semester –INSY 7060 Ergonomics I –INSY 7300 Advanced Engineering Statistics I Spring Semester –INSY 6600 Manfg/Production Economics –INSY 7420 Linear Programming/Networks Choose two of these three –INSY 7240 Production and Inventory Control S05 –INSY 7030 Facilities Design and Operation F05 –INSY 7400 Simulation Modeling and Analysis S05
COURSE OFFERINGS Core courses –offered once a year –same semester each year Elective courses –some offered once a year others alternate years –same semester each year (usually) Web page has tentative future schedule
SEMINAR Every INSY graduate student is expected to sign up for INSY 7950, Seminar. Attendance will be taken and is mandatory. This course will feature guest speakers on state-of-the-art topics. It is important for your professional development.
ENGLISH While in Dunstan Hall, speak English For international students –ENGL 1800 Oral Proficiency –ENGL 1820 Classroom Communication (TAs) –ENGL 1900 Writing Proficiency More advanced –ENGL 3040 Technical Writing –ENGL 3080 Business Writing
ACADEMIC STANDING To be in good academic standing, you must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Academic Warning Academic Probation Academic Suspension –Remediation plan – no graduate credit until 3.0 is attained STAY IN GOOD STANDING
ADVISOR Assigned a temporary advisor (Dr. Bulfin) After completing 10 hours of course work, you choose a permanent advisor You and advisor choose a committee, two or more additional faculty. Advises on Plan Of Study (POS)
PLAN OF STUDY (POS) Should be turned in to Grad School after completing 10 hours of coursework. –Cannot graduate the term POS is approved!! At least 30 hours, at least half of them in INSY, and at least half of them at the 7000/8000 level. Signed by all committee members, the Department Chair and the Graduate Dean.
TA/RA ASSIGNMENTS Limited funds - if you don’t have one, work hard and maybe you can earn one Limited office space - we try to give all grad students office space, but TA/RA get priority. It will be crowded, please bear with us. If you are on TA/RA, cannot have another job without departmental approval. Dr. Smith will say more
REGISTRATION Packet from Grad School –PIN number –Phone or web based registration Blocking –Advisor - rare –Health – likely only for first term –$$$ - unpaid fines, tuition etc. –Grades – academic suspension
COURSE SCHEDULE Should take core courses when possible Core only offered once a year – delaying can cause long delay in finishing TA/RA and International students should take at least 10 hours. Electives are between the student and advisor – should build depth
FACULTY Excellent faculty Friendly Available USE THEIR OFFICE HOURS –average faculty teaching duties are only about 40% of their workload. Try to make use of office hours and .
THE FACULTY R. L. Bulfin Brian J. Carnahan Gerry Davis Kevin Gue John Evans Emmett Lodree Saeed Maghsoodloo Chan S. Park Alice E. Smith Jeffrey S. Smith Robert E. Thomas Jorge Valenzuela J Black (Emeritus)