Health indicators
2 Absolute indicators ( indices ) :. A ) Morbidity statistics B ) Mortality statistics C )Population ( annual ) growth rate Relative indicators e.g. number of ORS sockets distributed during a year at different places, EPI coverage at a certain place. Measures of morbidity : Incidence rate Prevalence rate Notification rate Prematurity rate Population growth rate = ( BR + IMR ) – ( DR + EMR ) Where BR = birth rate, DR = death rate, IMR = immigration rate, EMR = emigration rate.
3. Definition of health indicators: Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years that will be lived by those born alive into a population if the age –specific mortality rates persist, it is calculated from life tables. Life expectancy is a good indicator of socioeconomic development in a country, as an indicator of long survival, it can be considered as a positive health indicator. It has been adopted as a global health indicator. A minimum life expectancy of 60 years is the goal of HFA 2000, in Saudi Arabia is 71.4( WHO 1997).
4.Crude birth rate (CBR ) : Numerator\ Denominator= live births at a certain area and year \ midyear population at the same area and year * 1000 Crude death rate ( CDR ) = number of deaths at a certain area and year \ midyear population at the same area and year * K, where K is a constant,which =1000 Infant mortality rate ( IMR ) = number of deaths of infants at a certain area and year \ total number of alive births at the same area and year * 1000 An infant is a child under one year of age. Maternal mortality rate ( MMR ) = number of deaths among mothers resulting from pregnancy labour, puerperium at a certain area and year \ number of alive births at the same area and year * Puerperium is the period since childbirth up to the six week after delivery.
Cause –specific mortality rate ( CSMR ) = number of deaths from a certain disease \ total population at risk * 1000 Proportionate mortality rate ( PMR ) = number of deaths due a certain cause \ number of deaths due to all causes * 1000 Attack rate ( AR ) = number of cases of a disease \ total population at risk, for a limited period of observation * 1000 AR is used only in acute conditions such as measles, whooping cough etc. N.B : In Saudi Arabia, K = is used in all health indicators 5. Total fertility rate ( TFR ) = number of alive births at a certain area and year \ number of females in the childbearing age ( ) at same area and year * 1000 Case-fatality rate ( CFR ) = number of deaths from a disease \ number of cases of the disease * 1000
6. Basic health indicators as reported by WHO member state : N.B. Blank cells means there is no available data RemarksUSASweedenLybiaSaudi ArabiaIndicators Total population (000 ) o Annual growth rate 1.8, ,1.67.4, , 5.8Total fertility rate 1978, (1993) (1990)71.4Life expectancy CBR( CDR(1994-7) GNP per capita in US dollars 12.7 (1990)9.2(1988)3.2(1985)8.0(1990)Total national health expenditure in % of GNP Basic health indicators according to WHO
IMR (1993)4.018(1993)MMR (1983-5) 73 (1994-7) 99.7(1993-5)9593% of population with safe water (1990)100(1990)86 % of population with adequate excreta disposal facilities (1990)100(1983)99(1990)% of population with access to local healthcare WHO estimates of health personnel ( 1998) rate \ population\year: physicians nurses midwives dentists pharmacists