Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 1 Irradiation of one CMS ceramic hybrid from Dorazil in Karlsruhe Frank Hartmann IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)


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Presentation transcript:

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 1 Irradiation of one CMS ceramic hybrid from Dorazil in Karlsruhe Frank Hartmann IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 2 Installation Initial positioning by laser pointer Scanning with 1mm row steps (10cm/s) Proton current: 2  A 26 MeV protons Irrad. of 120x120mm 2 up to 1e14 p/cm 2 takes 20min

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 3 Stability of Beam Current

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 4 Scan Area Area of Interest Autoradiography picture Area cut for dosimetry Homogeneity of Scanning

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 5 Irradiation of Hybrid During irradiation: Clock, Trigger (10Hz), Error Buffer Readout (1Hz), Reset Irradiation with 2  A protons up to 2.7e14 p/cm² (~30years LHC) at RT First qualification at cyclotron with over 5m cables and provisional readout Hybrid is still activated (2µSv) Result: Hybrid still alive

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 6 Picture of Hybrid on Ni foil Area cut for dosimetry Hybrid

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 7 Pedestal (peak) before & after After Before

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 8 Noise (deconv) before & after After Before

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 9 Noise (peak) before & after After Before

Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 10 Calib (deconv) before & after After Before Calibration: only first shot! Still working! To be further investigated in the lab!