Safety of the Public Tim Senkewicz, Shawn Spencer, Ryan Autz, and Matt Fiore
Saturday, October 19 th Talking to Kelly about her decision to be a good engineer – Chromium Plant Explains to Kelly the dilemma Suggests for him to go to the boss Also she suggests for Chris to seek the opinion of a lawyer Chris is unsure of what to do
Sunday, October 20 th Chris visits Shawn Roe’s Office (lawyer) Explains his situation Paragraph 701(g)2 Chris hears about Shawn’s previous experiences of similar cases
Sunday, October 20 th Shawn explains his three options City Building Inspection Department State Board of Professional Engineers Newspapers Still Unresolved
Monday, October 21 st Meets with Sarah and Joe Asks to be reassigned Joe says not to mention details of Overhang
Wednesday, November 23 rd Meets with Ken Discusses details of Overhang