Sprinkler Buddy Presentation #9: “Layout and a New Feature” 4/4/2007 Team M3 Panchalam Ramanujan Sasidhar Uppuluri Devesh Nema Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy Design Manager: Bowei Gai “Low Cost Irrigation Management For Everyone ! ”
Current Status Determine Project Develop Project Specifications Plan Architectural Design Determination of all components in design Detailed logical flowchart Design a Floor Plan Create Structural Verilog Make Transistor Level Schematic Layout (~85% done..all modules LVS, Some Global Routed, FSMs are incomplete) Testing (Extraction, LVS, and Analog Sim.) Glitches removed from all logic
Updated Design Size Block (# used)Size (um) 40:20 Muxes (4)20 x 80 60:20 Muxes (2)20 x 120 Counter (2)12 x 17 KC ROM (4 parts)181 x 8 P ROM (1)70 x 8 Metric Storage SRAMS (2) 181 x 60 Constant Storage ROM (1) 181 x 8 Floating Point Adder (4) 96x151 Floating Point Multiplier (2) 89 x Bit Registers (8)50 x um x 361 um ~ 1 : aspect ratio.129 mm^2 area.232 Density
Layout: Progress All Big Modules LVS Separate Operation Modes wired Hourly Update, Computation Mode, and Feed Back are done Daily Update is wired with the exception of the feedback loop 3/6 FSMs are not complete Sizes estimated Space left
Layout : Entire Chip
Power Logic
Gating Sections Chip separated into 7 virtual VDD/GND sections 1 in HU, 3 in DU, 3 in CM Distributes load and reduces power rail bounce
Power Rail Bounce “Understanding and Minimizing Ground Bounce During Mode Transition of Power Gating Structures”, Kim et al
Hourly Update Operation
Daily Update Operation
Computation Operation
Approximate Savings Components that remain on Feedback Mode (3407T) Registers (1944T) FSMs (1514T) SRAMs (4304T) 63.1% of all Transistors are shut off most of the day
Layout : Power Gate Transistors Density:.05 transistors/um 2 V DD Gating
Layout : Power Gate Transistors Density:.06 transistors/um 2 GND Gating
Design Challenges and Implementation Decisions For The Past Week Design Challenge Translation to HW Low Power Power Gating to reduce leakage current Sacrificed Density for Power Savings
Problems/Questions FSM routing was much more complex than expected
For Next Time Finish