The World Leader in High Performance Signal Processing Solutions Audio ADC/DACs Primer David Hossack
2 Goals Learn about a real world signal processing application There are hundreds of these in this room….. Also on DSP Board Learn about commercial considerations Ask Agenda Start at actual A/D conversion Motivate sigma-delta modulator Motivate interpolation and decimation filters Example filters No equations – simple overview Ask questions
3 Audio Codec on DSK physically large package by today’s standards
4 Analog/Digital Signal Conversion Converting two things: Continuous Time Discrete Time Sampling Sample rate – samples/s or “Hz” – eg 44.1kHz or 48kHz Need clock for discrete time Concern on clock jitter at interface between discrete-to-continuous Continuous Value Discrete Value Quantization Number of levels or number of bits – eg 16bit or 24bit These conversions can happen separately Eg Switched capacitor DAC Digital (discrete time, discrete value) -> analog, discrete time Continuous time, but still sampled -> analog, continuous time Not necessarily a one-to-one transformation between input samples and output samples
5 Typical Specs for Audio Converters SNR – measure of additive noise dB “A-weighted” Bandwidth 20-20kHz THD – measure of errors at harmonics of input – nonlinearity dB These are “AC” Specs “Traditional” converter specs not appropriate Absolute accuracy Integral non-linearity Differential non-linearity Conversion Time
6 What does 100dB mean? “CD quality” N= 16 bits => approx 6N + 2 => 98dB With assumptions regarding the signal and error pdfs Flat weighting, full bandwidth 1 part in % Component matching on silicon 1% easy, with care : 0.1% >12 bits usually requires calibration or signal processing Need to be careful to determine how errors manifest For audio: Absolute accuracy is not important Linearity fairly important Noise very important Hard to design audio converter using only component matching Sigma-Delta Modulation is a signal processing method to solve this Introduces its own problems Oversampling Out of Band Noise Non-linear system that is hard to fully analyze Errors Specs: Offset Gain Linearity Noise
7 Sigma Delta Modulation Method for obtaining high resolution signal conversion without requiring high component matching Quantizes input to small number of levels Signal detail is preserved and obtaining by filtering Requires signal processing Requires oversampling, requires sample rate conversion filters ADC – decimation (downsampling with filtering) DAC – interpolation (upsampling with filtering) Economics limited adoption until approx 1990 Moore’s law allowed the DSP implementation to be cost effective In engineering, the “rules” and constraints are always changing Implementations have changed significantly over the years
8 Almost all audio converters use Sigma Delta Modulation Delta Sigma ≡ Sigma-Delta Other applications of Sigma-Delta Modulator Based Converters: Communications Cell Phones Quantizer Memoryless Non-Linear Function Loop Filter Quantization decisions affect future quantization decisions Has effect of making the quantizer behave more linearly Oversampling 128x typical 48kHz x 128 => 6.144MHz SigmaDelta Modulator Loop Loop Filter Coarse quantizer Quantization error are made to appear at high frequencies Desired signal is at low frequencies
9 One bit vs Multi-bit In the one-bit D/A converter, clock jitter in the over sampling clock translates directly into D/A errors - causing gross errors, increasing noise and reducing the sound quality. In a multibit sigma-delta made up of multiple two-level D/A converters, the D/A output looks more like an analog signal, making it less sensitive to jitter and easier to filter.
10 Linear Signal Processing Model of SDM Replace quantiser by a linear gain What gain value for two level quantizer Noise Transfer Function (NTF) The shape of the quantization noise Most of the energy is at high frequencies Signal Transfer Function (STF) The transfer function from the input to the putput Can be flat (delay or no delay) See books, Matlab SDM Toolbox
11 Sigma-Delta DAC Two Level DAC No matching problems Errors are gain, offset Horrible out of band noise Non-linearities due to inter symbol interference and slew rate limiting Multilevel DAC Implementations Switched Capacitor Continuous amplitude, discrete time filter Current Source
12 Multi Level DAC
13 SDM DAC Stages Digital Interpolation 2x Interpolator Upsample by 2 Halfband (FIR) Allpass based structure (IIR) 2x Interpolator Upsample by 2 Halfband (FIR) Allpass based structure (IIR) CIC Interpolator Often Linear Interpolator Sinc 2 Also need CIC compensation filter Digital Sigma Delta Modulator Digital Dynamic Element Matching Also designed using sigma-delta techniques Analog DAC 128x 1x → 2x 2x → 4x 4x → 128x → 17 levels → 16 of 2 level
14 SDM ADC Stages Analog Sigma Delta Modulator 2-17 Levels (1-16 decision thresholds) Digital Decimation CIC Down Sample by 32 Sinc 4 2x Decimator Down Sample by 2 Halfband (FIR) Allpass based structure (IIR) 2x Decimator Down Sample by 2 Halfband (FIR) Allpass based structure (IIR) Also need CIC compensation filter 128x 128x → 4x 4x → 2x 2x → 1x
15 CIC Filter Recursive Filter Structure – yet FIR Pole / Zero Cancellation Need to use modulo arithmetic Efficient for Interpolation and Decimation Very good transfer function for large rate changes Interpolator – images of signals near dc are suppressed Decimator – frequencies that will alias to near DC suppressed Very simple implementation Graphic from wikipedia
16 Many diagrams taken from this paper:
20 Component Responses – Continuous Coefficients FIR1 FIR2 Sinc 2
21 Digital Filter Implementation Use CIC filters at higher sample rates Cost efficient structure for implementing restricted set of FIR filters Use FIR/IIR Filters at lower sample rates Exploit structural symmetries Eg Half band FIR interpolator uses input samples directly Eg Half-band or parallel all-pass filters Restricted responses Compensation required for CIC filters CIC often implemented flat FIR/IIR usually implemented by a simple DSP engine Fixed program – hardwired in logic Single multiplier or multiplier equivalent Eg Canonic Signed Digit / Signed Power of Two “multiplierless” Multiple channels implemented by single DSP engine Cost/Power important – not on digital process Eg 0.35u or 0.18u rather than say 65nm or 45nm for analog reasons
25 Signal Processing Design and Optimization Oversampling Rate for Analog Converter Number of levels for Analog Converter Filter architecture Number of Stages Type (CIC/FIR/IIR) of stage Limit Memory Requirement Limit Coefficient Wordlength or number of CSD/SPT terms Affects filter response <16 bit typical Limit Data Wordlength requirement Affects SNR, quantization effects bit typical No floating point!
26 Signed Power of Two Coefficients Digitally “easy” coefficients 0 +1, -1 +1/2, -1/2 +1/4, -1/4 … Sums of these Eg +1/2 – 1/16 + 1/128 Compare with Booth encoding used in multipliers Only need a fixed set of coefficients Less general – opportunity to optimize
28 A very simple DSP One FIR tap calculated per clock cycle - Already have higher clock rate available Two’s complement or SPT 24 bit Two’s complement 24 bit Two’s complement
29 Component Responses – Continuous Coefficients FIR1 FIR2 Sinc 2
30 Full Response with Continuous Coefficients
31 Full Response with SPT Coefficients
33 Gentler Frequency Response Requires higher sampling rate
34 Summary Audio ADC and DAC is a rich example of real world signal processing System / Architectural Level Design Use digital technology to overcome weaknesses in analog Filter Architectural Design CIC vs FIR vs IIR Filter Optimization Structure Word lengths of coefficients and data
35 Presented By: David Hossack Analog Devices, Inc. 804 Woburn Street Wilmington MA