Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 CLIC_DDS study
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 CLIC_DDS Study Collaboration Vasim Khan Alessandro D’Elia Roger Jones Alexej Grudiev Germana Riddone Vadim Soldatov Walter Wuensch Riccardo Zennaro University of Manchester and Cockcroft institute, U.K. CERN, Switzerland
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Outlook Summary of Optimisation: CLIC_DDS Overview of test structure: CLIC_DDS_A High Phase Advance (HPA) Structures: Merits and Demerits CLIC_DDS_HPA Future of CLIC_DDS_HPA
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 CLIC_DDS optimisation summary Circular Circular cell ε =0.82 ε=1.38 Manifold-damped single cell ε=1.38 DDS_E DDS_C DDS_E DDS_C
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 CLIC_DDS_A: Monopole properties Max. Values Esur=220 MV/m ∆T = 51 K Pin= 70.8 Eacc_UL=131 MV/m Sc=6.75 W/μm 2 RF-beam-eff=23.5% ∆T 35*Sc Esur Eacc Pin Dashed curves : Unloaded condition Solid curves: Beam loaded condition CLIC_G Values Esur=240 MV/m ∆T = 51 deg. Pin= 63.8 Eacc_UL=128 MV/m Sc=5.4 W/μm 2 RF-beam-eff=27.7%
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 CLIC_DDS_A: Dipole properties 24 cells No interleaving Q avg ~1700
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 High Phase Advance Structures 1) Low group velocity → Less power absorbed during breakdown Ref: R.M. Jones, et. al., SLAC-PUB 8887 CLIC
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 NLC: Band partitioning NLC: DS1 a = 4.23 mm ψ acc : 120°→ 150°:Lowest dipole kick factor reduces by ~ 20% Ref: R.M. Jones, et. al., SLAC-PUB 9467
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Fundamental mode Optimisation CLIC_DDS_HPA
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Band partitioning: CLIC DDS_A and DDS_HPA
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 120deg. Γ x = Cell # 1 a=4.0 mm, t=4.0 mm 150deg. Γ x = Cell # 1 a=4.0 mm, t=3.2 mm Dipole mode properties
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 DDS_HPA
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 RF parametersUnitDDS_ADDS_HPA42DDS_HPA32 Phase advance / cellDeg Iris thicknessmm4/ /2.8 Bunch population Q (In / Out)-5020 / /7045 R’ (In / Out)MΩ/m51 / /102.4 vg/c (In / Out)%2.07 / / 0.45 Eacc max (L./UnL.)MV/m105 / / 14390/ 138 P in MW ∆T max sur oKoK51 48 E max sur MV/m S c max W/μm RF-beam efficiency% Comparison: 120 vs 150
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 DDS_HPA: Merits and Demerits Reduction in dipole bandwidth from 2.1 GHz to 1.8 GHz 1.Necessary to reduce bunch population to satisfy wakefield constrains 2.Luminosity reduction Reduced input power Less power absorbed during breakdown Kick factors reduced Better dipole coupling Cost efficient ? MeritsDemerits
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Enhanced damping: Eight manifolds Four regular and four additional manifolds Significant coupling
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell parameters a = 4.3 mm t = 2.6 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm Fundamental mode properties Q=7080 R’/Q= (kΩ/m) v g =2.44 (%c) E s /E acc =2.22 H s /E acc =4.3 (mA/m) S c /E acc =5.45 x (W/μm 2 /Eacc 2 ) Dipole mode properties f syn =16.1 GHz Cell # 1
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell parameters a = 2.5 mm t = 2.8 mm R c = 8.8 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g =0.32 (%c) Cell # 24 f syn =17.89 GHz
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Lowest dipole mode properties Δf=2.25 σ=1.78 GHz Δf/f c = 10.5 (%c) Two Cell result Need improvement
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Regular manifold Additional manifold Damping material εr=13 tanδ=0.02 NMr=2.8 Damp_r=1 Eight manifolds and Sic As the coupling in the last cell is poor it is important to enhance coupling by optimising the last cell
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 24 :NMr=2.8 Damp_r=1.0
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Accelerating mode NM r =2.8 Damp_r=1 ε r =14 tanδ=0.04
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 DDS_HPA_SiC SiC insertion in an 8-manifold cell improves damping The SiC properites and dimensions are optimised for Cell # 24 This optimisation does not improve damping of Cell # 1 Due to SiC losses, multiple avoided crossings are observed Need some modification in circuit model to incorporate additional losses (SiC) (future work ?)
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Closing remarks CLIC_DDS_A is being fabricated CLIC_DDS_A: High power test by 2011 end CLIC_DDS_HPA: 1) Coupling looks promising 2) Need to improve bandwidth To be investigated in detail: 1) Eight manifolds 2) DDS_SiC damping 3) Circuit model modification to incorporate SiC losses
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Acknowledgments We have benefited from discussions with Juwen Wang, Zhengai Li and Toshiyasu Higo on X-band structures Thanks to Igor Syratchev for suggesting to investigate CLIC_DDS_SiC. Thank you
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Additional slides
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 1 Cell # 24 Cell # 1 Cell parameters a = 4.6 mm t = 2 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 3.6 (%c) F syn ~15.76 GHz Cell # 24 Cell parameters a = 3.3 mm t = 3 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 0.95 (%c) F syn ~17 GHz Four manifolds
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 1 Cell parameters a = 4.6 mm t = 2 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 3.6 (%c) F syn ~15.77 GHz
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 24 Cell parameters a = 3.3 mm t = 3 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 0.95 (%c) F syn ~17 GHz
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 1 Cell parameters a = 4.6 mm t = 2 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 3.6 (%c) F syn ~15.77 GHz
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 24 Cell parameters a = 3.3 mm t = 3 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 0.95 (%c) F syn ~17 GHz
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 1 :NMr=2.8 Damp_r=1.0
Vasim Khan X-Band RF Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop, Cockcroft Institute /24 Cell # 1 Cell parameters a = 4.6 mm t = 1 mm R c = 9.0 mm M r = 2.0 mm M c = 15.1 mm v g = 4.84 (%c) F syn ~15.65 GHz