Telecom and Informatics Web Services og WFS - en brikke i en større sammenheng? David Skogan
Telecom and Informatics Overview Web Services ACE-GIS Geographic Objects 1
Telecom and Informatics WFS en brikke i en større sammenheng WFS Functionality: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, QUERY, DISCOVERY Transaction, LockFeature, GetFeature, DescribeFeatureType, GetCapabilities Protocol HTTP (POST/XML | GET/KVP) GML2
Telecom and Informatics Web Services Business Model discovery description transport
Telecom and Informatics Protocols SOAP XMLXML Schema Service Description (WSDL) Message Sequencing Business Process Orchestration DescriptionDiscoveryTransport Inspection Directory AttachmentsSecurityPrivacy Semantic Web HTTP
Telecom and Informatics Transport - SOAP
Telecom and Informatics Description - WSDL/CPP Web Service Description Language Collaboration- Protocol Profile/ Agreement
Telecom and Informatics Discovery - UDDI/ebXML RegRep Universal Description, Discovery and Integration ebXML Registry/Repository
Telecom and Informatics WFS and Web Services WFS does not use WSDL and SOAP Unclear Business Model Who will provide WFS-clients? Who will provide WFS-services? Who will provide Registry-services? WMS v1.1.1 with chaining to WFS is promising How do we compose and integrate WFS with std WS? How will WFS evolve?
Telecom and Informatics ACE-GIS IST Adaptable and Composable E-Commerce and Geographic Information Services Duration: June September 2004 Budget: 3,7’ Euro Goal Provide better and more efficient tools for the development, deployment, discovery and composability (composition) of distributed web-services with special emphasis on the key combination of geographic information and e-commerce services.
Telecom and Informatics ACE-GIS Partners INESC-ID Ionic Software e-blana University of Münster University of Jaume I SINTEF Norwegian Mapping Authority
Telecom and Informatics Model Transformation Tools Conformance Testing Tools Service Creation Environment Service Execution Environment Applications Model-driven Development Tools Semantic Interoperability Tools GI Services EC Services Service Registry Repository Composition Services Adaptation and Composition Tools Deployment Principal Architecture
Telecom and Informatics Composability and Adaptability Composability Service composition Chaining Adaptability S A B S A B
Telecom and Informatics A: Environmental Planning
Telecom and Informatics Services E-Commerce Services reg/rep security payments Geographic Information Services Data access WMS WFS Processing Analysis operations Gas Dispersion
Telecom and Informatics B: Emergency Planning Major Emergency Response – Chain of Command Local Area (area of emergency) Co-ordinating Group Health Board Chief Executive Local Authority County Manager Garda Chief Superintendent Controller(s) of Operations County Engineer (Director of Services) Superintendent Chief Ambulance Officer Senior Fire Brigade Office Health Board Ambulance and medical staff Local Authority Fire Brigade Garda Police
Telecom and Informatics WP1a: Environmental pilot WP1b: Emergency pilot WP2: GI servicesWP3: EC services WP5: Model-driven tools WP4: Composition services Demonstrators Commercial services Underlying framework WP6: Semantic interoperability WP7: Standards integration and dissem. Open source NMA e-blana IONIC Software e-blana INESC SINTEF UoM UJI Work packages and partners
Telecom and Informatics Work areas and phases Pilot Phase 1: 1-9 Phase 2: Phase 3: Base requirements pilots Standard EC and GI infrastructure services Basic model-driven tools and interoperability architecture Standard services based pilots Composability R esearch T echnology development D emonstrators Semantic interoperability Adaptability support and final publications Model-drivenComposability Model-driven based pilots Semantic interoperability and Adaptability support and packaging Composability and Semantic interoperability based pilots Model-driven tools, composability and interoperability EC and GI development tools EC and GI services Months
Telecom and Informatics GO-1 Architecture Computational View - Service Framework Service Framework defines the clients, services and encodings that the GO-1 testbed expects to develop, extend and demonstrate
Telecom and Informatics OGC: GO-1 CFP - Tasks 1Application Objects Canvas, Rederer, Controls, Geometry, Features, Styling 2Service Models Initiative DEIM OGC Web Services + profiles: Java + Web 3Symbology and Text Placement MIL-STD Application Features Command and Control information communities 5Semantic Interoperability Test RDF and similar semantic interoperability technology future
Telecom and Informatics GO-1 Technology View – Abstract (Multi-Platform) Interface Specification 1. Produce an Abstract Service Interface Specification for all GO-1 objects (Application Objects, Information Objects and Service Objects) from which multiple implementation profiles could be derived for specific target platforms. 2. Specify, build and test a Java Implementation Profile as derived from the GO-1 Abstract Service Interface Specification.
Telecom and Informatics Implementation Java Build on Geobjects and Geotools open source efforts Agree on Java representation of application objects Agree on Java representation of distributed services objects MPS, FAS, CAS, CTS Agree on Java representation of distributed information objects Feature, Geometry, Filter, SLD Web Evaluate existing OWS products re abstract model Evaluate existing Web technology re application objects Identify dis-connects between Java implementation and Web implementations
Telecom and Informatics GO-1 Pointers GO-1 Existing Open Source Development GeoTools2: SeaGIS: GeoObjects: Deegree: JTS:
Telecom and Informatics Summary WFS is an important component in a geospatial environment but not quite mainstream Web Service Need to demonstrate applications, servers and registries integrated with security, payment costs, gain experience ease of use, easy implementation more functionality!!!! ACE-GIS provides Model-driven development tools GO-1 provides standard models and more application functionality