THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER Lenin proclaims power in the name of the Soviets
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER The First Steps “Land, Bread, and Peace” Peace = top priority Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Feb. 1918
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER The First Steps “Land, Bread, & Peace” Redistributed land to peasants Soviets eventually to control land Land workers given control of factories improved working conditions
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER The First Steps “Land, Bread, and Peace” Bread State to distribute food
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER The First Steps Set out to transform society restructured national & local government overturned social order attacked Church changed alphabet & calendar Council of People’s Commissars “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER Growing Opposition Social Revolutionaries = biggest challenge win majority in Constituent Assembly Bolsheviks disband it Assassination attempt on Lenin
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER Combating Opposition Establish political police= CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter- revolution, sabotage, and speculation) fought “class enemies” beginning of “Red Terror” Felix Dzerzhinskii & Cheka members
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOVIET POWER Combating Opposition Create Red Army to fight internal & external enemies included political commissars Trotsky inspects Red Army