R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)1 Mini Project An Overview
R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)2 Build a Framework Your assignment is to create a framework, following these steps. 1.Work in teams of 3. 2.Identify three existing applications (call them App1, App2, App3) all within the same application domain. –Each should involve a small number of classes –that are tightly integrated. 3.Start with App1 and create a whitebox framework. –Refactor as necessary to make the framework more general. –Use UML class diagrams to depict the framework hierarchy.
R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)3 Assignment Cont’d 4.Instantiate the framework to generate the first existing application, App1. 5.Attempt to apply the framework to your second existing application, App2. –Generalize the framework so that it will fit the constraints imposed by App2. 6.Instantiate the framework to generate the first two existing applications, App1 and App2. 7.Repeat Step 5 and 6 to App3 to yield a third iteration of the Framework and implementation of App3 using the third iteration of the Framework.
R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)4 Evaluation 1.You must NOT use an existing framework. –Doing so will result in a 0 for the miniproject. 2.The level of detailed documentation for each of the above steps in the framework development process. –There must be complete traceability from initial work with App1 to the final iteration with building all three applications. –UML diagrams need to be included and described in the description of the frameworks. 3.If you achieve gray box framework status for your final framework, –you will be eligible for 85% evaluation for the miniproject –(assuming that all other aspects of the project are satisfactory). 4.If you achieve black box framework status for your final framework, –you will be eligible for 100% evaluation for the miniproject –(assuming that all other aspects of the project are satisfactory). 5.All 3 frameworks must be documented and turned in with the final project report. –It must be clearly described as to from one iteration of the framework to the next.
R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)5 Project Domain Any type of proxies They tend to be smaller applications, involving a few classes –Filtering –Security –Caching –Anonymous: –Compression/decompression Definition: Proxies are pieces of software that reside between the client and server to perform some intermediate action.
R R R CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)CSE870: Advanced Software Engineering: Cheng (Sp 2001)6 Project Constraints Language: C++ or Java Applications must involve a collection of highly interactive classes –Must have at least 2-3 classes to define framework. Must have legal access to source code Must be able to demonstrate functionality of proxies BEFORE and AFTER framework construction When in doubt, ask questions