MGTO Dr. William A. Snow Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Department of Management of Organizations College of Business & Management Managerial Leadership MGTO
MGTO From Then (1940s) to Now (2001): Brief Overview of Leadership Evolution Ohio State Leadership Studies: Task and Relationship (1940s-Ralph Stodgill) Initiating structure: A type of leader behavior that describes the extent to which a leader is task oriented and directs subordinates’ work activities toward goal achievement Consideration: A type of leader behavior that describes the extent to which a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust.
MGTO Leader Behavior Leader finds time to listen to group members Leader assigns group members to particular tasks Leader is willing to make changes Leader asks group members to follow standard rules and regulations Leader is friendly and approachable Leader lets group members know what is expected of them ConsiderationInitiating Structure
MGTO Leadership Grid-Production and People (1960s-Blake & Mouton) Concern for people Concern for production 5 distinct styles of management-preferences –Impoverished Management (1, 1) –Country Club Management (1, 9) –Authority-Obedience Management (9, 1) –Organizational Man Management (5, 5) –Team Management (9, 9)
6 Chapter 3 Contingency Theories of Leadership
MGTO Normative Decision Model The Normative Decision Model, is directed at determining how much input subordinates should have in the decision making process.
MGTO Decision-making processes To determine which situational and follower factors affect the level of participation and group performance, Vroom and Yetton investigated the decision-making processes leaders use in group settings.
MGTO Continuum of decision-making processes Leader Followers Situation Decision process B. Does leader have sufficient information? A. Quality requirement? C. Is problem structured? D. Acceptance important for implementation? E. If decision made is solely by leader, will it be accepted by subordinates? F. Do subordinates share organizational goals? G. Is conflict over preferred solution likely? Outcomes: Decision quality Decision acceptance Subordinate development
MGTO The Path-Goal Theory The Path-Goal Theory: deals with: – expectancy – performance-to-outcome probabilities, and – assigned valences or values to outcome.
MGTO The Path-Goal Theory – Expectancy - If I study for 12 hours, what is the probability I will get an A on the exam? – Performance-to-outcome probabilities - If I get an A on the final, what is the probability of getting an A in the course? – Assigned valences or values to outcome - How much do I value a higher GPA
MGTO Path-Goal Theory and Interactional Framework Outcomes: Acceptance of leader Follower motivation Follower satisfaction Leader Followers Situation Traits Skills and abilities expectations and work perceptions of own group abilities Leader behavior: Directive, Supportive, Participative, Achievement- oriented
MGTO Contingency Model-Situational (late 1960s-Fiedler) Three major situational variables: –Leader-member relations –Task structure –Position power Task oriented leaders tend to perform best in group situations that are either very favorable or very unfavorable to the leader Relationship oriented leaders tend to perform best in situations that are intermediate in favorableness
MGTO D Management Style Theory- Situational (1970s-William Reddin) The effectiveness of leaders depends on how appropriate their leadership style is to the situation in which they operate A variety of styles can be effective or ineffective depending on the situation
MGTO The third dimension in Reddin’s model is effectiveness Effectiveness/environment – Interaction of the leader’s style with the “place” of work
MGTO Situational Leadership Paul Hersey, Kenneth H. Blanchard, & Dewey E. Johnson, Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. (1996.) 7 th Edition. Prentice-Hall Publishers, Upper Saddle River, NJ., USA. Page 7. “Management is the process of working with and through individuals and groups and other resources (such as equipment, capital, and technology) to accomplish organizational goals.” “Leadership occurs whenever one person attempts to influence the behavior of an individual or group, regardless of the reason.” “Leadership is a broader concept than management.”
MGTO L = f (l, f, s) The leadership process is a function of the leader, the follower, and other situational variables. Variables: Job, Situation, People
MGTO No mention of the type of organization Could be business, educational institution, hospital, political organization, or family Anytime an individual attempts to influence the behavior of someone else that individual is the potential leader- boss, colleague, subordinate, friend, relative, or group
MGTO Chapter 12 Followers and Followership
MGTO Effective followers Effective followers “have the vision to see both the forest and the trees, the social capacity to work well with others, the strength of character to flourish without heroic status, the moral and psychological balance to pursue personal and corporate goals at no cost to either, and, above all, the desire to participate in a team effort for the accomplishment of some greater purpose.”
MGTO Characteristics of Followership Cohesion Supporting top leadership Raising issues with top leadership Taking initiative Taking personal responsibility for performance
MGTO Five Style of Followers Alienated Followers Conformist Followers Pragmatist Followers Passive Followers Exemplary Followers
MGTO Partnering Partnering deals with the quality of relationships between leaders and followers rather than on characteristics of leaders and followers.
MGTO Situational Characteristics Crises Task Interdependence Innovation More Receptive to Change Organizational Downsizing
MGTO Chapter 15 Characteristics of the Situation
MGTO Historically Historically, researchers maintained that the situation, not someone’s traits or abilities, plays the most important role in determining who emerges as a leader. They also believed that leaders were made, not born, and that prior leadership experience helped forge effective leaders.
MGTO More recently Leadership theories have explored how situational factors affect leaders’ behaviors. a leader’s behavior was said to be depend on a leader’s perceptions of several critical aspects of the situation – rules and regulations governing the job – role expectations of subordinates – peers, and superiors – the nature of the task – and feedback about the subordinates’ performance.
MGTO The Congruence Model is a systems model with inputs, processes, and outputs. Input, which consists of the environment, resources, and history. Processes, which consist of the work, people, formal organization, and informal organization. Output, which consists of the system, unit, and individual.
MGTO Congruence Model The core of the Congruence Model has four components: – the work, – the people, – the formal organizational, – the informal organization.
MGTO Congruence Model The work is “what is to be done” by the organization and its component parts. The people refers to the leader and followers and their skills, knowledge, experience, expectations, needs and preferences.
MGTO Congruence Model The formal organization addresses how the level of authority, organizational structure, organizational design, lateral interdependence, and organizational culture affect leaders’ and followers’ behavior. The informal organization refers to its culture (shared backgrounds, norms, values, or beliefs.)
MGTO Environmental characteristics Environmental characteristics concern situational factors outside the task or organization that still affect the leadership process. These include technological, economic, political, social, and legal forces.
MGTO Situational Leadership (1970s- Hersey & Blanchard) Task, Relationship, Effectiveness Task behavior: Extent to which leader engages in spelling out the duties and responsibilities of an individual or group Relationship behavior: Extent to which leader engages in two-way or multiway communication.
MGTO Follower readiness: 2 types –Ability: knowledge, skills, experience –Willingness: confidence, commitment and motivation to accomplish specific task
MGTO Relationship between Leader Behavior and Follower Readiness
MGTO Lead Self Instrument Directions for Scoring Correct Answers Video, “12 Angry Men”