PRECEDENCE FOR CHANGE Longstanding calls for reform Conciliar movement revived Fifth Lateran Council Council of Pisa Pope Julius II
THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION CATHOLIC RESPONSES Reform & reaction Council of Trent (1545) upheld central papal authority Charles V pushes for new council vowed to reform abuses & corruption upheld doctrine Condemnation of Luther for heresy
THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION CATHOLIC RESPONSES Religious Resurgence Renewed seriousness & piety New religious orders Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Missionary work Charity work Pope Paul III St. Ignatius of Loyola ( ) St. Vincent de Paul ( )
THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION CATHOLIC RESPONSES The Counter Crusade Missionary campaign against Protestantism Censorship & propaganda Pope as referee between Calvin & Luther Caricature of Calvin Seven-headed Luther Luther and Lucifer
THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION CATHOLIC RESPONSES The Counter Crusade Judicial & police machinery Episcopal courts Inquisitions
THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION RELIGION & THE STATE Government determined religion of population Apparatus of state used to enforce religious belief Most powerful states = Catholic