Television Communications 233
Economics zAdvertising yLocal, national spot, national network zTaxes (reception fees) zGovernment support zSubscription zDecoder costs
Categorical zVHF vs. UHF zPublic vs. private zNetwork affiliate vs. independent zCable vs. terrestrial zDirect vs. cable
Broadcast transmission zMicrowave zSatellites zWire transmission (cable) zFiber optics zDirect Broadcast Satellites zMultichannel Distribution Service zLow-power TV
Local vs. national zAmerican broadcasting began as local radio stations zLater pulled together to form networks zEvolved into television networks
Network affiliation zLocal stations are generally affiliated with networks zIndependents zOwned and Operated (O&O’s)
Network affiliation zProduces content for local stations, who then get: znetwork advertising revenue znational spot advertising revenue zlocal advertising revenue
Ownership of networks zNBC -- General Electric zCBS -- Westinghouse zABC -- Disney zFox -- Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. zWB -- Time Warner zUPN -- Viacom (Paramount) and Chris Craft/United
Ownership patterns zGroup ownership zIndependently owned stations zMultiple system operators (cable) zPublic TV stations
Program development zProduction companies zSyndication yOff-network programs yFirst-run syndication yBarter syndication
Ratings zHouseholds Using TV (HUT) zRating (% of all households) zShare (% of HUT)
Impact of TV on other media zNewspapers yLoss of evening papers yLoss of national advertising yMove toward visual design yMove toward interpretive reporting
Impact of TV on other media zMovies yDemassification yImpact of TV and VCR on titles
Impact of TV on other media zRecordings yFocus on music in terms how how it will show on MTV and similar channels zRadio yDemassification
Impact of TV on other media zMagazines yLoss of national, undifferentiated advertising yForced specialization
Impact of TV on other media zBooks yChange in use of discretionary time from reading to watching yBook manuscript as a screenplay and ultimately TV fare ySelection of authors in terms of their TV personalities
Legal environment of broadcasting zFederal Communications Commission zOwnership of the airwaves zContent changes over time
On the TV horizon zDigital television (high definition) zGrowth in direct broadcast satellites zExpanded pay-per-view zFragmenting audiences zInternet delivery
Web site for digital TV zhttp:// zhttp:// zhttp://