A Rose for Emily and His Son’s Big Doll Professor Peih-ying Lu December 10, 2009
Narrations Huang Chun-Ming has once said that one of the western literary works that have impacts on his writing is A Rose for Emily What are the similarities and differences found in the narrations of these two stories?
Making Connections Individual and the society Please list the conflicts A Rose for Emily His Son’s Big Doll
Internal Conflicts Emily in A Rose for Emily, as the descendant of a big family, suffers from her isolation and inability to face changes. Kun Shu, in His Son’s Big Doll, suffers from poverty and inability to climb up social ladders and making barely enough money for his family.
These two characters belong to different cultures, family backgrounds but reveal, to some certain extend, internal conflict resulted from the conflict between the society and the individuals. Your viewpoints?